June 29, 2017

Doodle : In-Between Series & Work

How's your Raya, so far so good? 
I've accumulated a lot of mini pimple breakout since the 2nd day of Raya because I've been eating a lot of things without filtration. Not only on my face, also several spots on my body - God knows what I'm actually allergic to this time :F 

Anyway, I want to post the quick process video of my "13 Reasons Why" fan-art series that I did last week while resting from my travelogue work. 


If you are not familiar with the series, well it is on Netflix. It is a story of a teenage-suicide, of a girl named Hannah, and the 13 reasons why she committed suicide. She recorded her story on 7 tapes and passed the tapes to the persons related to her story. It is quite a depressing and heavy story on teenage bullying, depression, and suicide. 

I doodled this on my sketch book while watching the series (when we first started the series) and I digitized it right after we finished the whole first season. 

June 24, 2017

Work Related : Send an Eid e-card

Heyy guys, it's been awhile !
There are 2 things that took a huge chunk of my life in these past 2 months since I resigned from Fin. The first project was : Uber #ridetoreconnect campaign and the second one is : Travelogue Melaka with Lejen Komik (still got 20/100 pages to go). 

#ridetoreconnect campaign has just been launched 2 days ago on this website :

I was at Mines with my family when I got an email from the client telling me that they launched the campaign and I was so excited ! I've been keeping this as a secret for almost 2 months because I can't tell anyone before the launching. This is my second project with international client and heyy, for a small self-learned noob illustrator - I am still finding this very hard to accept. 


R/GA Singapore contacted me 2 months ago when I was still working - right after I sent the resignation letter. So I felt like it was a great sign that I was doing the right thing, because to start on becoming a freelance illustrator again is still scary (especially without any backup plan). That's how I started my first 3 weeks of the journey : by working on 4 illustration relentlessly, discussing with the Art Director, coming up with the sketches, and finally working on the illustration. I had to update every 2-3 days for the 3 weeks project, so there was no rest, no weekend kind-of-thing. I hired Af to do the animation using After Effect because I wanted to focus on the illustration alone. 

Sure, it is not my best work. After all, I am still a noob in this area. I didn't quite like the vector work, and I felt like I wish I had more time to play around with the idea. But I was supposed to work on the project fast (1 week ideation) and I had to accept my flaws (2 weeks digitizing and amendments). Af had only 2 days to work on the animation because I took my time (big kudos to him). 


How to use ?
  1. Click on this link : #RidetoReconnect
  2. Pick your greeting card 
  3. Write in the name (to send the card to) and the Eid greeting
  4. Click "Preview Card"
  5. Share to Facebook


Inferiority issue :
I looked at all the other works from Yellowmushmellow (Singapore) and Putri Febriana (Indonesia), and I felt so bad ! I felt like somehow Uber picked me by mistake and I was the most noob one among all :F I have a huge online crush on Yellowmushmellow for years (I finally met her at Public Garden booth in Singapore last year and I was sweating all over + I was super awkward), and she was so nice T^T When I got the call from the client, I asked them who was the representative from Singapore and heck, they mentioned her name. I took that chance to text her to discuss about the project *smooth, right? :D Anyhow, I'm learning to avoid feeling less appreciative towards my own work and promise that someday, I'll be better. 


So, yes, don't miss this chance to send these awesome animated Eid ecards to your friends. These campaign will only last for a month, so you can play around with it. And please tag my facebook : @doodles.by.azreenchan and #ridetoreconnect , I want to stalk your post *just to feel happy and appreciated over the crazy 3 weeks of May - haha :F

and, Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir & Batin guys  

June 20, 2017

Little Things 235 : Wandering Soul & Past Life

This is my carefully curated playlist since 2014 on Spotify : Wandering Soul.
I posted this in this blog before: the playlist is packed with mellow and relaxing songs that gives a serene solitary feeling *at least to me la. I've been adding songs that I found over these 3 years, so I'm bored with most of the top songs in the lists because I've listened to them repeatedly. 

You can listen to the playlist during your travels, or 'alone time', because I specifically set the mood to that while listening to this playlist. Thus the name 'wandering soul' - the ones that feel like they've been wandering on this earth, not knowing what home is. 


Here is my favorite cover song last week :

Note : That's Kina Grannis' husband.

Old Songs :

I started to develop a personal likings to old songs since I was 14. Before that, I mostly listened to what my older sister had in her collection. Like the boy bands : BSB, N'Sync, 911, Westlife, etc.

I secretly listened to all my mom's & dad's collection and started to scan through what I thought I would like to hear again. 'Secretly' because I was a teenager, and being a teenager - we automatically want to blend in and be accepted, it wasn't normal for a young teenager to like old granny songs during that time. So I had 2 lives - the normal teenager and the old granny. My siblings used to call 'Lagu2 Reen' or 'Lagu pagi Ahad' because I usually put it on speaker on Sunday morning.

I have no idea how these songs feel more connected to me than current hype songs of my days : my hypothesis is that I did live in those years before this, they were the songs of my previous live ! :D Or else, I'm not sure how to explain the emotional feelings triggered every time I listened to those songs :F

Here is my 'Past Life' playlist on Spotify.

June 09, 2017

Little Things 234 : Patreon & Latest Video

I am super occupied with my travelogue project until Raya, so I can't update my blog/IG as much as I want to (and without morning caffeine, everything is twice harder). But, if you want more updates on my works and projects, you can pledge at my Patreon here, as low as $1 and you will have access to all the latest and super-secret projects that I'm working/planning on, work process & technical stuffs (if you like those), random blabber when I'm stressed out and random free gift-aways.

I'm trying to balance up my life, but it is hard when I have too much going on with my life, so I just update things fast & short in my Patreon for now.

Patreon is a place for people to support other people to create/make stuffs for a living. 

Here's a video compilation of week 3 & 4 as a full-time freelancer :
(of course, I don't really record myself working because that's like a whole daily boring repetition - so I just took snippets outside of my working routine) :
