May 09, 2017

Reckless Life 7 : Week 1 All over Again

On being a full-time freelancer :
I've finally decided to become a full-time freelancer again !
This is actually my third time of becoming one (You can read about my previous stories here). After 9 months of working with a start-ups in Cyberjaya, creating and making things - I've decided that being in a boring-comfort-zone-life (even with high salary - normal day job) is no longer suitable for me. I've tried! I just can't work with corporates and day-to-day repetitive life anymore. Free spirits need to be free.

I kept on asking myself almost every day, and I've been asking Af so many time : "why I'm helping people reaching their dreams if I know I can work on reaching my own dreams?". So I've finally decided, this time even without the backup plan : THAT I SHOULD MAKE THIS WORK. I know the struggle, I know the tough decisions and the frugal life that I'll be having, but I was born to make and create things that I want to make and draw every day. I'm super excited with my little plans and I want to make every single day memorable for me. Ma isn't excited with my decision (of course), but I like told her : I'll never know if I really can make it work or not IF I don't try - again).

So I sent my resignation letter from the company's directorship chief designer. 
2-weeks notice, flat, decided and sticked with the plan. 

On working studio :
We already have our own studio office now, we took the master bedroom and turned it into one. I don't want to use the big space only to sleep, so I suggested to Af, that we should really make use of the large master bedroom and turn it into our office instead. Our office needs new paint, and a lot of recovery but we'll manage by time :)  

On clients :
And thankfully, right after I sent the resignation letter - I received a freelance project for this month (will due by the end of this month). It's a very tight schedule, but quite a big exposure and nice pay-check for the upcoming Eid season. So I'm super thankful because I got to live for another 3-4 months after this and will be focusing on the book project that I've been delaying. This is a sign telling me that maybe I made the right choice on becoming a full-time freelancer again.


On the 9-months startups projects (Aug 2016 - May 2017) : 
Check out 3 of my latest projects, those are some of my works for that duration of time.

On my online shops for local :
All packs bought from the shop will receive several postcards for free - from my wrinkled artprints and postcards mini flood incident.

On Patreon :
And yesss, Patreon! If you want to help/support me in my freelance journey and also get snippets, knowledge sharings, personal updates, random free gifts, you can pledge as low as 1$ on my Patreon :


  1. My dear, you are inspirational. I love home office... Share a snap if you don't mind.

    1. Ohh, yes, when it is ready, I will post some before/after posts regarding the mini renovation. Haha. It is actually just a room with 2 desks for now.
