May 13, 2017

Mini Escapism : Bagan Lalang, Selangor

Another mini escapism with Af.
He wasn't happy about not getting any good shots when we travelled to Kedah 2 weeks ago. So on Fridayay,  he told me that he wanted to go to Bagan Lalang - he's nature-sick :F He needs his dose of nature every once in awhile. Plus he is more to ocean/beaches guy and I'm more to greenery (and I don't fancy water) so, I wasn't full-heartedly excited as he was. 

But being there wasn't all that bad, yes, the beach is still dirty and I always feel saddened by it. Next time I come to these places, I'll bring big plastic bag and a picker to pick up all the rubbish in the area la. So depressing thinking about how human can make such a irresponsible thing. 

Note : It took almost 1 hour 1/2 to drive from my house to this location. 
Next week we'll hunt for different spot :

I sat at the marble bench, waiting for Af to take his video shots. I think he was super excited, because that night he edited the video right-away. He didn't even sleep the whole night. Usually it takes him several weeks/months to finish a video editing (when he isn't inspired) :p 


Now, you can enjoy his video :


Anyway, after that we went to HM Bagan Lalang for a seafood dinner : we ordered 2 ekor sotong celop tepung - ( RM 19.90 ), expensive weyy! and  200 gram of lala masak sambal (RM 7), mixed veggie (RM 4), mushroom fried rice for Af and half plate rice for me. Super full. After this we should consider to reduce the food ordering, we've been trying several time and still not quite sure how to order 'just enough' for both of us yet. 

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