January 18, 2017

Little Things 229 : Patreon

Hello !

I just created my Patreon account here.

This Patreon account will help me pursuing my dream to become a full-time illustrator and publish as many books/zines possible. This platform helps creator, maker, illustrator, writer, anyone at all to achieve their dream - it is like Kickstarter for an individual/group. 

This year I'm planning to publish several books and zines, so I will need some big helps from all of you  I'll be a bit busy making this year as productive as I can *like I've never been productive before :F 

I'll be posting a lot of doodle journals in my Patreon account, if you like this, you can pledge minimum $1 to be entertained by my mini-mini doodles, aaaand if you want, you can get my first ever mini ziiiine or book? Hah, I'm currently finishing of my visual travelogue : the mini stories when I went to Beijing, Istanbul, Bromo and Singapore, compiled into one. 

Here is my first doodle journal post in my Patreon, expect a lot this in the account  :