October 05, 2016

Singapore Trip 2 : Things I Bought from the Trip 01

I woke up at 6.15 am, much later than I planned the previous night. I was having vertigo for the pass 5 days so I decided to meet a doctor last night just to get some advise on the matter because I was planning to start my running training soon. It's almost around 1 month before my 21km run. But the doctor advised me to just stay at home and rest for a few more days before I start my training. Just to avoid any accident :o


Anyway, I wanted to post some items that I bought from Public Garden's event at Singapore that I joined last 2 weekends. This sticker set were made by Naela Ali, an Indonesian illustrator that I've been stalking from her IG. She uses water colour as her main medium - and I like her soft subtle way of colouring things. The ones that I never wanted to try because it isn't really my style, but still things that are awfully nice to see and collect! :D I personally like the japanese foods sets from her illustration. Not quite liking the style of her other illustrations like cats and people and random shots, so I just purchased this set only. 

This sticker pack costed $10 - converted into RM is around RM 30.
That means this is the most expensive item I bought in Singapore during my trip :D


I tried several times to repost these images, but blogger seems to auto-compress all images and I can't get sharp images. So I'm a bit annoyed. I managed to post it into my pinterest and copy the image's link to repost half of the images. While another half are still a bit blurry :


She hand-cut these stickers, but unlike my OCD-ed cut with exact spacing between all items and their borders, these are more messy. Some I can't even ignore - like the ChocoBaby box and Milk Bottle with a cat cartoon on it? *see image below. Af might roll his eyes over my OCD-ness, but well you have no idea how people like us feel about this yo :D


Anyway, these sticker pack is my favorite so far :

Note : I did bought this pack from his boyfriend *I assumed it was his boyfriend, because she was entertaining other customers when I went to her booth on the last day. Didn't found any courage to ask for her autograph tho :D


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