September 19, 2016

Books : Re-reading Books and Guilty Spending

I chose to bring Haruki Murakami's : What I Talk About when I Talk About Running for my previous trip to Indonesia. I think it's my third time to re-read the book. It was a great choice, seeing that I went to Bromo for my 10km trail run. It feel like it might get me all motivated and inspired before the run.

I actually finished the book after the run - the second last day, so the Haruki's fire didn't help me much during my worst 10km trail run that weekend :D But reading his DIY marathon in Athen-Marathon is inspiring, the training for his Ultramarathon is inspiring, the fact that he runs almost every single day for more than 30 years is inspiring. So I should definitely re-read the book every year, to keep me going strong. ♥ 


There is an old caucasian lady at my office selling books and novels near my office every Thursday. She opens her booth every week, and I try not to stop by every so often. Once I was searching for Neil Gaiman's : The Graveyard Boy - the one that was illustrated by Chris Riddell. I asked her, and she told me that she has several more of Neil's book at home that she will bring for me. I booked Orhan Pamuk's first book that was translated to English by Faber : The White Castle that I found as well.

So then I bought those 2 books and avoid stopping by at her small booth anymore. I'm really looking forward to buying Roald Dahl's books in the future. Here is an illustrations of my new books ! 


I also bought a 112-pages graphic novel : Soppy by Philippa Rice , found the single book in Borders, ioi City Mall :D It is a compilation of quirky comic + illustration inspired by her own real-life moments, living with her boyfriends. There are a lot of moments that I can relate to, since I'm living with my husband in a small one-room apartment, sharing spaces, silly arguments and all.

Note : You can buy this for your partner during your anniversary or valentines day. Looove.
True love isn’t always about the big romantic gestures. Sometimes it’s about sympathising with someone whose tea has gone cold, watching TV and sharing a quilt, or allowing your partner to order take-away pizza again. When two people move in together, it soon becomes apparent that the little things mean an awful lot. The throwaway moments in life become meaningful when you spend them in the company of someone you love. Soppy is Philippa Rice’s collection of comics based on real-life moments with her boyfriend. From grocery shopping to silly arguments and snuggling in front of the television, Soppy captures the universal experience of sharing a life together. - Philippa Rice

Last week I bought another 2 books ! This time, Haruki Murakami's : After Dark + After the Quake. I actually read these books several years back from a pirated e-book my friend shared with me. These 2 books are the thinnest books among all Haruki's books and they are both priced as expensive as all the other books : so I didn't buy them right-away. I read the pirated version in one-shot :D Guilty as charged.

But last week I saw that Borders was having a promotion on all Haruki's books : "Buy One Get the Second One for Half Price" and I took those two books without further thinking. Told Af that it's a present for myself la, to reimbursed my tax this year la, for finishing up my long awaited freelance work la, apa la. He didn't buy it. He knows I just buy books because I want to buy books - for no reasons. Ha.

Anyway, I'm currently re-reading After the Quake and almost finish it. 


And for the Game of Thrones : Book 1 - I finished it. I watched the series concurrently while I read the novel, and watching the series was much much faster than the reading itself. I can't keep up. I decided to not continue reading all the series and wait to watch the series instead. 


  1. I've developed this habit that I often visit your blog just to see if you've been reading something new. and yeay! It's the day!
