June 25, 2016

Little Things 222 : Japanese Crafty Books and Handiworks

The Japanese are famous with their artsy-crafty classes and collecting crafty knowledge in books, magazines and zines. I remember looking at Ma's craft books when I was small. Ma had quite a collection of Japanese sewing books especially on bags, pouches and fabric dolls. Other than attending craft classes while she was staying in Japan, I think that's how she learned to sew and used it to make various Batik items. 

She sew a lot of stuffs for our house and the 4 of us. All the cushion covers, the slipper and telekung bags, our mini sling bag, tissue cases, curtain- anything she can think of, except for clothes. When we were in school, Aja and I helped her sew some of the batik items to be sold during school holiday - so we were both quite familiar with basic handy-works.

I just borrowed 3 of Ma's old sewing books last night (on the right) and that's some of my Japanese crafty books (on the left) :

Most of their books came out with a lot of clean step-by-step visuals so I don't have to know how to read it to understand, and they also compiled all the templates that can be used in all the books :


I don't really have time - yet - to experiment and all because of my current projects *I don't even find time to write blog as much! . But I managed to make a casing for my new power bank - *a gift from Af ! The fabric was bought around 3-4 years back in an art event. I was into matryoshka during that time. 

It can keep both my iPhone + Power bank and also the wires. I just don't want to accidently scratch the power bank with keys in my bag :


I also used to make these leather key-straps and camera straps for fun. I bought bunch of sheep skin leathers through Etsy and experimented with those. Ma has tools for leather, because she took leather classes as well while living in Japan. She kinda gave me all the tools so I don't have to buy any of it :D 

A delightful mixes of leather and bronze coloured key-rings + studs collection :


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