June 01, 2016

Little Story 222 : 1st Anniversary

We survived our first year as husband and wife !

Thank you for putting up with my drama and experimental home-made cookings,
and constant whines + random moods on my hormonal imbalance week,
and my "I'm always right" and "You married a genius",
and my awkward introverted attitude,
and your  time, your love and your patience. 

❤ ❤ 

Here I made an illustration of us, from the cake I did for Freepik task *hahaha ngelat :



  1. Alamak, I'm so in love <3 with the illustration! Would definitely buy it in the form of magnets or stickers or postcard.. can I one too if i were to get married?

    1. I thought you geli2 seeing me showing written PDA to Af?

      Sure sure. Get married first, and I can make something lovey-dovey-geli2 ones for you and you can put it up on your fridge.
