June 02, 2016

Book : Haruki (Wind) + George (a Game of Thrones) + Sailormoon

I relocated my mini book shelves into the living room again, I think it probably stayed in our bedroom for a month or two and I don't like the idea of letting them sit in the dark room without the sun for long. They will turn musty. For now, I only keep some books of the chosen authors : Haruki Murakami, Orhan Pamuk, Elif Shafak, Chuck Palahniuk, and Albert Camus, also some spiritual poetry books and quotes, plus almost all my graphic books and travelogues. It is so hard to leave all my books behind at Ma's - but this is what I manage to keep for now :


After finished rereading Wind by Haruki Murakami, I started on rereading his second novella : Pinball 1978. My main goal is to reread all Murakami's works in chronological order so I can imagine his world entirely based on how he created them all. Plus I'm waiting for his next book and praying hard that he will live long enough for me to read more of his books. My bookish nerd crush cannot end here. 

New to the addition, I bought George R.R. Martin's saga : A Game of Thrones in Kedah 2 weeks ago. I forgot to bring any books in the road-trip so as usual, I would buy a new one. This is a choice made to support my current fever in watching the series with Af *finally. Af has been watching the series for quite some time - I remember watching him watching the series when we first got married but I never really took any interest. The series was so 'orangey' and medieval. After a year, I finally became a fan :D

Af also suggested that we should watch the series from season 1 because I actually started 'really' watching the series in the middle of season 5. So I read the thick novel and watch the series from the beginning concurrently. I have something visual and moving to support my imagination and understand more about the details part of the story based on what's written by the original story-teller. This has been really fulfilling.  

Plus, I bought 2 more Sailormoon comics number 3 + 4 to add into my collection. I did searched for the remaining comics at my dad's house but couldn't find any. I wonder where they all went? We used to have a complete set.

Can wait to make a new little library in my own apartment, the books I currently have is way too many for the existing big book shelves in Azmi's room. I'll probably design one of the room with customized book cabinets to keep all the novels, and will take all my siblings' comics from our younger years' collection and probably adopt old magazines that still make sense. I'll have the whole room packed with books and when I die, if no one wants all the knowledge and the beauty in written words that I've been keeping - I would want them to be donated to school libraries and rumah kebajikan. So people can feel the joy that I had T^T

I managed to plastic wrapped all my new books while watching Breaking Bad season 4 :D


I also found Shaun Tan's latest graphic book : The Singing Bones, 2 days ago. The one with all his clay sculptures insipred by  75 short fairy-tales. I was in Kinokuniya, searching for graphic novel and I did found one of Lucy Knisley's graphic novel : An Age of License. I thought of buying that before I surprisingly found the Shaun Tan's book in the kids area. I left Lucy's comic and headed to the counter to pay for the oh-my-so expensive beautiful thick book. Things I would do for love =.=



  1. Can you share some tips on how you build better reading habits? Saya pun suka membaca tapi kadang tu baca satu buku separuh jalan je. ^_^"

    1. I don't know who I'd be if I didn't like reading since I was 9 :)

      I guess perumpamaannya begini :
      Kita makan untuk badan sihat, ada tenaga, dapat vitamin, so you have to eat everyday but not all foods are good and healthy for you, and it's good if you are selective and give your body what your body really needs - everyday.

      Membaca pun begitu, tapi it's foods for our thoughts.
      Not all our readings will be good for us, and we don't really know which is good and which is bad until you really read it and give some thoughts about it. Reading helps broaden our thoughts, give some good and bad ideas, explore your imagination, improve your vocabs, be more thoughtful sbb you will always have some things to think about afterwards - think of it that way. So you need to give your thoughts some foods every once in awhile.

      - Mayyybe, hari2 boleh baca sikit-sikit. One or two chapters here and there.
      - Bawa buku ke mana2, so everytime you have to wait or bored ke, boleh baca.
      - Be selective, only buy/borrow that you know you will read.

      Hope that helps :)

    2. 'Food for our thoughts', I love that. Thanks for the tips! InsyaAllah lepas2 ni nak jadi pembaca yang lebih baik. Keep writing and keep inspiring! Suka baca your blog. :)
