April 20, 2016

Work Related : All things printed

I'm planning on joining my 23rd event, celebrating the 6th year in this small independent business. It isn't that far off from where I started, but I definitely learned a thing or two about doing things that I like for fun and making a small income out of it :)

244 orders / 348 sales from Etsy and 22 booths all around later, here I am 

I was doing a stock checking of what's left in my sticker library. I need to reprint some of the sold-out stickers and cut more finished stickers from my stock. 


Postcards are selling super slow on Etsy and I'm too latzy to do a proper photo shooting for some of the art prints, so i'm still keeping them all :


I'm still cutting up stickers every now and then, especially when I have the latest series of Grey's Anatomy to watch. Or I can do with Breaking Bad - I'm currently watching the season 2. I still have several hundreds of this sleepyhead stickers that are still raw and need a good cutting :


Here I'm using the left over envelopes from the postcards that I ordered. I don't think I'm going to be using the envelope so I'm using it for other things like a nice small packaging for our ESKP car sticker. So 1 envelope can be divided into 2 little packaging and we printed the small sticker to put it on the packaging as well. It looks decent enough for a hand-made packaging, so I'm going to stick with it for now :


I printed the camera sets in mini edition. 
I kinda like them all, so chibi <3 p="">

By this time I finished all my uncut stickers stocks. I no longer have any stuffs to cut. I finished 2 seasons of Breaking Bad and I need more new stuffs to make before the events :


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