April 13, 2016

Little Stories 219 : Rest Day

Last Monday I went on a short day-out with my mom and my little sister.

I just finished my Freepik task and was waiting for another new task, and Ma has not started with her new Batik piece, so before starting our new task we make a plan to go out together. We are both workaholics, and both of us can be a bit too put up with work all through the week so I thought having 1 day off before it would be good for both of us. It's like a forced gap to rest for a day. *Lagipun I haven't gone out for awhile except to the gym plus I just started having cold and sore throat - a sign to give my body some rest.


Movie Time :
We went out early to go to ioiCityMall not far from our house, and I checked on the movie ticket right-away when we arrived. Every one of us in the family have watched Batman v. Superman, except for Ma and Ra. So I wanted them to enjoy what I enjoyed the previous week and bought 3 tickets. Ma got a senior citizen ticket for RM 8.50, Ra got a student price ticket for RM 8.50, and I got an early bird ticket for RM 10.50. The cheapest price so far to belanja people - *I'm definitely going to do this again for Captain America next month! I went to watch the movie with Af the previous week and that cost RM 15.90 for each ticket :F

Half throughout the movie, I felt sleepy and bored because I just watched it - and I'm not really into action movie. The movie took around 2 long hours and we finished the shared regular-sized popcorn in the first 45 minutes. I remember checking my phone's watch twice. Too bad I didn't check on the movie's easter egg beforehand - that might help with the anticipation, kan.

I asked Ma later, which superheroes does she likes best?
But she couldn't decide, I notice that it makes her nervous when I ask her to guess/choose over something - in this case, I guess she doesn't want to choose the wrong superhero. She pushed the question to Ra, and mentioned that Ra probably isn't interested in both because they are both look 'older' and 'mature' - and again she mentioned that unlike my sister, I like older-looking men so I enjoyed the movie =.= I don't know how my  own question betrays me, women are so manipulative.


Facial Time :
Later after movie and fast lunch, I had already booked for a facial session near our house the day before. For the 3 of us. It was my first time, and we've been planning for so long. I didn't even get to try it out before my wedding and all. So even though we arrived a bit late than promised, I didn't want to cancel the plan with the beautician.

What I had in mind was a nice head and shoulder massage because I am always too tensed and I want to loosen up a bit. I'm not comfortable with going to a spa and walking in a batik sarong in front of a stranger, so facial is the closest to upper body massage or so I was told. Ha. 

The beautician, let's call her Kak Ita. She asked me to lay down on the bed-like chair and relax. Again, it's my first time so I was a bit nervous about letting people touch my face. She started with cooling down my face after being exposed to the hot afternoon sun, and massaged my face with soap. Then there are a lot of processes that I kinda guess with my eyes closed : mask with beras pulut, opening up my pores with hot vapour, sanitized it before poking out the whiteheads and blackheads, washed it again, massaged with hot-like oil that she mentioned were lemon and coconut oil, later put a nice cooling mask with all natural ingredients : cucumber, mint and icy aloe vera. My eyes were closed with slices of cucumber the whole 1 and 1/2 hour so I can't do anything else than focusing on the smell and her touches. Ha. 

I finished early, so I managed to snap some ugly photos of Ma and Ra in a weird looking mask :D I think I can relate to why people do this once in while. It is so relaxing and it feels so good afterwards. I'm pretty happy.

Will I go to the place again?
Probably not, but I'm going to find someplace better with affordable price after this.


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