February 11, 2016

Mini Escapism : Kedah - Perak - Selangor

Kedah - Perak - Selangor - Part 1 :

It's a long holiday !  
2 months back I received a wedding card from my colleague, Sha. AF and I always find reasons to explore new places and go on a mini escapism, so we decided to go to her wedding in Kedah. Of all the places and all the wedding that I missed in my life, suddenly I chose to go :D

We started our journey early morning on last Saturday around 6.30 am thinking that we might be able to avoid the traffic, considering it's a festive season. We were wrong. Waze's time estimation was around 4-5 hours, but we arrived after 9 hours on the road. The traffic was really-really bad. There were 4 accidents along the way, by the time we arrived at the wedding, it was almost over. We greeted her father and he said that Sha already left for her outing photo-shooting. So we went to eat and left shortly afterwards :o

The wedding took place in the paddy field area near Mount Keriang, so we took the opportunity to visit the place after the wedding. We just simply visited the recreational park to see the place thinking that we might go on a hike the next morning because I was starting to feel my 'usual' throbbing pain in my head. That 'famous' head-ache that I still don't know the cause yet. So we headed to our hotel around 20 minutes away and checked in.

I slept in for almost 12 hours.   
The headache disappeared and we decided to head to Perak after breakfast instead. We were ready for our road-trip and planned to make several stops before arriving at our next destination : Ipoh. So it was a really short stay in Kedah. I wish we have more time to take nice sunset photos alongside of the paddy field but it wasn't in the season.


To enjoy nice scenery and explore new little kampungs during our journey from Alor Setar to KL, we used old roads instead of the highway. It took a bit longer but I'm glad we did. 

My favorites are : 
  • We took almost 360' circle around Mount Jerai in Yan because I wanted to stop by near the beach right at the mountain.
  • The first time I saw ikan belacak (mudskipper) in pantai Murni in Yan. I've never saw one ever in my life until that time we stopped in Yan. 
  • 10 years anniversary for Hot fm brought us all the famous songs in those 10 years, it's a perfect playlist for the road-trip
  • The paddy fields along side of the road from Yan to Butterworth
  • The hills and mountains on our way to Ipoh were magnifique ! I can't even write enough about the magnificent view we got along the road. There weren't even pictures big enough to show how beautiful they were. Lucky northern people, perhaps they don't even notice what they are missing.
  • Chatty AF - when we visited all his childhood places while he was growing up.
  • Mount Rapat + Mount Lang
  • Sunset in Lumut

Our path on the 1st day :
Highway - KL to Alor Setar > Gunung Keriang

Our path on the 2nd day :
Alor Setar > Gurun > Yan > Tikam Batu > Butterworth > Bandar Ipoh > Gunung Lang > Padang Polo. 

Our path on the 3rd day :
Bandar Ipoh > Gunung Rapat > Lumut 

Our path on the 4th day :
Lumut > Sg Besar > Sekinchan > Tg. Karang > KL > Home


Summary :
  • We travelled around 1070 km on car in 4 days 3 nights.
  • 3 different 2-stars hotel booked on Agoda ranging RM 70 - RM 95 per night
  • We spent around RM 250 - RM 300 per person for foods, accommodation, gas and tolls. 
  • Total : RM 270 (accommodation) , RM 100 (tolls) , RM 130 (gas-return)

Sunsets :
We missed the first sunset because we were both exhausted from the 9 hours ride. We had a nice sunset at Padang Polo, Ipoh on the second day. That was the field where Af used to train for parkour during his younger years :D We got a great sunset view at the beach in Lumut on the third day. 


Note :
If you are an escapee like us, waiting for chances to explore on weekends or public holidays or any random time because of  your commitment to work/family/school, be a part of us. We put up a car sticker; 'Eskapi' on our car's window. Promised we use the car for a great cause of exploring new places, road-trips, new destination :) It's never too near to find new places to explore.



  1. I live in Yan! Suddenly, I remembered that I used to buy those explore bags from you and I'm still using it to keep my books. Yey~

    1. That is so cool, you got mountain and beach both in your area kan? Mesti best :D

      Ouhh, I remember that tote bag, I'm still using mine too every once in awhile. Explore, that's my mantra :p
