February 16, 2016

Mini Escapism : Gunung Rapat, Ipoh + Kek Look Tong

Kedah - Perak - Selangor - Part 3 :

It was our 3rd day of the road-trip. We were supposed to head to Lumut that day but there was another place that Af wanted to show me in Ipoh among other places he was so excited about but couldn't have enough time to explore - that is Mount Rapat. So we went there after our quick brunch at Stadium Ipoh before heading out to our next destination.

It was a Monday, the Chinese New Year celebration.  
What I forgot to expect was : it was CNY and people go to the temple to pray. Kek Look Tong temple is located right in the cave so to visit the mountains, cave and lake would mean to visit the temple as well. There were a lot of people, when I mean 'a lot' that means families, friends, the whole crowds were actually there. A team of Rela were taking care of the parking and crowds, some polices sat near by taking care of the place and all. There were only several tourists around, including us.



The mountains were huge, tall and green. It was majestic, very beautiful. The cave was big, the unique naturally curves and formations were really impressive. I can't imagine how many years it took for the cave to form such beauties. T^T There were a lot of religious statues as well. 



There was a huge garden with 2 big ponds, nice pathway, scattering monkeys, various flowers and mini statues. It was already mid-afternoon, so the place was quite hot, most people stayed in the cave but we went down to look around the garden. I noticed that people were hardly there out in the sun :p

I saw that there were several more temples around the mountains near the main road, but this one was hidden in a residential area around Mount Rapat. Use navigation application and you won't be lost in the way :)


Here's the map for you :


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