January 04, 2016

Mini Escapism : New Year Putrajaya & Hulu Langat

On the new year's eve, we slept early. 

We didn't wait for any party, fireworks or greetings, by 10.30pm we both were just too exhausted to do anything after a whole day at work. Weird how our body changes through age, kan

But later by 3.30 am, we were both awake and can't sleep. Af said that we should go out for a really early breakfast and hunt for our morning sunrise like we planned several months back. It was a great idea, seeing that I can't sleep and was fully ready for a new day in the first day of 2016. 

We went out and lepak2 at 24 hours Maulana, watching The Hobbit final series. We headed-off to Putrajaya around 1/2 hour before the sun rises and parked the car near PICC's lake. Other than us, there were a group of enthusiasts waiting for the sunrise, equipped with dslr and tripod.

Everything was blue, cold and serene. The sun wasn't around until later in the afternoon, there was a cold morning drizzle. A very gloomy Friday morning :

It was such a great way to start a new year kan, instead of waking up super late in the morning after spending the whole night celebrating new year :D Too bad we didn't saw the sunrise like we hope we would.

I'm hoping for a great 2016 for all of you.


During the weekend, we went to Hulu Langat for a wedding. 
I know there were several famous spots like Sungai Gabai, Sungai Congkak and Gunung Nuang, so I thought of visiting those places after the event. There weren't much time because we got other plans for the night, so it was a really quick pre-exploration - just to see whether there were any exciting places to explore later.

We went up to the entrance of Empangan Sungai Langat but it was a private area with a big "No Entry" sign :( Later we stopped by at the Sungai Congkak's entrance and walked way farther from the gate just because we didn't want to pay for the lousy overrated parking just to find out that we still need to pay for the parking alongside of the road *really far from the gate. We also need to pay for the entrance fees as well. We didn't know about it and left both our money in the car, so we decided to leave the place. I am quite disappointed because they commercialized the whole place :(

Even though the 'look out point' near Ampang has been closed down, we managed to stop by alongside of the road to get the view of the whole KL city from above the hill :

That's how I spent my first & second day of 2016.

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