January 06, 2016

Little Stories 216 : Post Birthdays

It's 'that' time of the year !
I love new year, it's birthday time for all 4 of us : Aja in March, Azmi in Feb, both Azura and Me in January. Consider '5' now since Af's birthday is in April. I love birthdays, especially when I have some money to spend on them. 

I've been putting some consideration in what to give to my younger sister. Her's on the 4th, after my birthday on the 3rd of Jan. As a person, she's into fashion and gaming, still in the young stage where she likes cute but cool stuffs.

It's getting harder now because we grew up and we don't really know what we want. Usually we will create some kind of 'wish-list' and pass it around the siblings so it's easier for us to buy stuffs. But not this year, she doesn't know what she wants :| 

Hunting takes time and a lot of thinking.
I've been putting consideration on these :
  • Working Attire
  • Sunglasses
  • Facial Voucher for 2
  • Shirts + Jacket
In the end, I bought these things for her :
  • Long 'Happiness' shirt from FOS + Navy Green Jacket from Cotton On 
  • Gift card from Starbucks
  • Gift voucher from Aeon, *so she can choose her own working attires

We celebrated at Homst Restaurant, Cyberjaya the night before my birthday. It was a really nice Chinese Muslim restaurant, both my sister and I love chinese food. This was our 2nd time at the restaurant and the food was ah-mazing like the last time ! This time I asked Tasy to join us *I think it's her first birthday celebration with us, because most of the time we keep it only to the family.

Thanks Ma, my siblings, Af, Tasy and Wati :


On my birthday, we spent half the day at home and another half day spent at my aunt's. Tokmak was there, alongside with my uncle and aunts - even my dad came as well, he baked a cake for both of us. We also stopped by at Boost to redeem the 'free' drink for my birthday - I can choose any drinks from the list ! So she gave me Cookies & Cream, the biggest size because I don't feel like having juices for my birthday :D  I've never redeem anything for birthday, and if it wasn't for my colleague, I wouldn't even know about it :

I also got 2 redeemable movie passes from GSC for my birthday month. I haven't decided on which movie to watch with Af :o


Another surprise came from the office.
I was busy doing works when I saw a gleam of candle lights behind the mirror separator's door and I even asked to AR, "Ehh, what's that?". The door opened and my boss came in holding the cake, she sang a "Happy Birthday" song and the whole office suddenly sang it together *even all the students for today's class. T^T She then passed me an Austin Kleon's journal - The Steal Like an Artist Journal, the one to be used as a doodle journal. T^T 

I was surprised, I usually hate surprises and I didn't see this coming.
But it was a nice one, thanks Boss, and everyone in the office T^T 


Note :
Can't believe I'm already 29.
I don't feel any wiser, and I'm not going to say that I mature up to be a whole 'new-me' because honestly, I feel exactly like myself days before. It's just a number and I'm proud of myself for surviving this long. I pray for the best in my future stories :D


  1. Happy belated birthday Azreen dear! I like what you said about feeling exactly like yourself before - it's silly thinking back how when I was little, I'd assume certain ages would feel so grown-up and "lain" and somehow more accomplished? Padahal sama je. -_-

    I have a topic to pick on: Homst! We went to one in Bangi a few months ago and were so unsatisfied! Portion kecik tapi tak sedap (unfortunately). And so we concluded Homst ni overrated and overpriced. Would you be able to compare it to, say, Sharin Low restaurants (eg. the one just across the road from Homst Cyberjaya?)? I'm curious if we just caught a bad day or bad tukang masak... :(

    1. Oh thanks Aneesah ! You do come randomly every once in awhile ya. Even your blog is updated like twice a year. Haha. Busy mommy. How's life treating you ? :D

      You can try Homst in Cyberjaya. We went twice and both times we went back gaining double our weight and happy :D I never know they got in other places too. And I never went to Sharin Low. Should try it, I'm in love with Chinese foods. Hm hm hm. Next birthday bash perhaps.

    2. He he. Betul2, twice a year blogging, that's me! InshaAllah coming back to blogging soon! Oh life is life. Just when things seem calm and fine enough, the next thing comes along to shake things in your head and heart for a bit!

      Sharin Low boleh tahan sedap, especially the lauk2 like butter prawn and tauhu telur masin (didn't think I would ever like this tapi serius sedap). Then again, ikut nasib dapat tukang masak ok ke tak. The style of masakan can differ on different visits. -_- But yes overall generous portions & worth the money alhamdulillah.
