January 22, 2016

Little House : 500sqft

We are nesting.

I think we overspent on buying little things we never thought we needed : like the place to put washed dishes, or the tiny case to put our keys and rings and pins, or the 3-plugs outlets, or hanging rods, or coaster for hot kettle or frying pans and pots. All the items we simply overlooked when we stayed with a big family for so long, those stuffs a mother prepared for us to use. I kinda miss Ma, and Awan. 

Suddenly leaving the house doesn't feel as excited as when I was single and alone, renting an apartment. I'm married. I know this is the phase when I finally detached myself from the family cocoon and start creating my own little family. Exciting, but sad at the same time.


The colour :
We had it lucky. The owner furnished the small apartment using all natural soil colours : light and dark brown. The worned-out sofa, the wall, the brown kitchen table, all the cabinets, the floor, all in various brown colours. It matches my previous wooden furniture and carpet, and cushions :D I am very-very-very glad I don't have to see mismatched items.


The working table :
And after a year, we managed to reattach my working table again. It was sitting behind the sofa for that long after I moved out from my previous rented apartment. I personally love-love-love the table, but the wooden texture is a bit splotchy now :(

I covered it up with a black desk's mat.

I finally have a working space again. A place to put my magical laptop, my graphic tablet and note/books to write or doodle. Big space to sprawl anything while packing for my Etsy stuffs and DIY projects. And my black desk lamp, finally useful.

The internet :
The internet guy came and setup our high-speed internet ! This is one of the most daunting-and-exciting part, because we are committed with the 2-years Unifi's contract, it is a bit overpriced for both of us :F but we've been planning on being productive in our freelance business this year *at least I do. So maybe this investment will be a great thing. And I can have my drafts whenever I want to. I think Af is enjoying his daily Game of Throne series :F


And we have a darling view from our living room :

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