December 30, 2015

Little Things 211 : 2015


It's the final week of 2015 ! My 28th year of living.
I made goals every new year so I'll have a target to achieve through out the year. Some people don't believe in "new year - new goals", but I do. I make new goals to be achieved early each year so I have something to work for throughout the year.

I collected some goals in this post: my successes and failures.

It's not for everyone, mostly for my own keeping.
But if you are curious, you can read it whole lots here :

1. Run over 200km in a year.
By Nov 2015, I managed to achieve my goal. I stopped for awhile after I got married in May, but we both started working out again a couple of months ago. I also stopped joining expensive running events this year because I believe that an hour of running shouldn't cost around RM 60 - RM 80 just so I can run in a big group of people and get dozens of running medals + running shirts ? I no longer believe in the organizers that taking advantage of our passion for running. 

Result : Achieved ! 220 km

2016 Goal : 250 km


2. Read 28 books in a year.
I usually aimed for number of books according to my age. So this year I wanted to read 28 books. I didn't have time like I used to after I got married because I don't commute to work by public transportation much :p This year I found a nice female writer from Eastern Europe : Elif Shafak, she got a huge collection of books that I can't wait to explore in 2016. I also managed to restock my book list from the previous BBW.

Result : Achieved ! 29 books.

2016 Goal : 29 books


3. Explore Japan
I've been wanting to go back to Japan again for ages. When I first know Af, I asked if he could run with me to Japan together and he is as much excited as I am. So that's became our travel goal and also honeymoon spot after we got married. I know choosing Tokyo as a honeymoon spot was a bit odd because Tokyo isn't a romantic place. But, as far as I know, we were both too sempoi to be considered romantic. We both didn't mind staying in 1 big city for a week to really explore the place - Tokyo is super huge ! Lagipun I don't like to rush things out, I believe that we need to wander slowly at each place. :D We can't wait for our next cities in Japan.

Result : Achieved ! Tokyo.

2016 Goal : Osaka + Kyoto


4. Marriage
I wanted to get married by the time I am 28, or not get married at all. It was a bit harsh, but I wanted to make plans for the short future so I needed something certain or I can just move on. That was what I thought. I hurt people along the way, and I got hurt too. But two certain; I got married to Af and I am so happy I chose him. Life is like that, unpredictable.


5. Be a Senior Designer
It's been 5 working years. I worked as a conceptual designer for 3 years, and almost 2 years as a graphic designer. I was so happy and thankful when the boss offered me to become a senior after 2 years at TRP. I am currently working as a senior creative designer at a startup in the heart of KL. Everything is great so far. 2 more years to explore UI and icon design before considering to try to be a junior art director yah ! 

Result : Achieved

2016 Goal : Explore UI design


These are my failures in 2015:

1. Write the first draft
Anyone who aren't close to me, wouldn't know this : that I want to write books. It's the purest form of dream since I was 14. I put writing as high as reaching my nirvana, it is some sort of my mental therapy in letting go of my imagination and thoughts to the world. So I told myself that by 28, I'll have my first draft. But I never did write it. I did started some writings, but I abandoned them all.

2. Pay RM 500 to PTPTN every month
My aim is to finish up another 30k debt in 4 years. But I'm still missing some months and didn't follow my early plan of paying RM 500 each month no-matter-what. Good thing is the debt is now less than RM 30k, but still a long way to go.

3. Return to the below 50kg
Ever since I got married I gained weight. Currently it is 51.5 kg. I used to be around 46-48kg. I'm not comfortable with the flabby tummy and bigger thigh. I can't lose the weight, even after I ran for more than 60 km in a month. Whatever laaa kan =3=

4. Getting my own place to live
I am currently living with my family. I just got a studio apartments several days ago and I'm going to move starting in January. So I consider this as a failure, because I've been staying with my family for this whole year - even though I'm married.


Previous posts :
Goals in 2013 : 1 + 2


  1. I always set (attainable) goals and completely forget about them after a few days ... oops. I guess my "resolution" for 2016 is to work on being consistent to actually execute my plans and achieve my goals :)

    1. I wish you all the best ! I love goals.

      Set reachable goals instead of general ones, eg :
      "Read 20 books" instead of "Read more books" or
      "Run twice a week" instead of "Keep healthy".

  2. This is getting me hyped up to make a new year goals (even tho it's nearing March) :D

    1. It's never to late to start. The less time you have, the more efficient it will be, I supposed? We all like last-minute works, don't we all :D Tiba2 jadi super-power.
