November 11, 2015

Tokiyo Trip 9 : Things I bought during the Trip

As anyone who went to Japan would understand, there are wide ranges of every little things in Japan that we never knew we needed. Ha. The Japanese are really good in making things and almost anyone will fall into the trap of buying *even though I am not really a spender. 

So these are the things that I bought in Tokyo :

1. Magazines
I went to most bookstores to find magazines to take home to, because what they are selling here in Kinokuniya KLCC are really-really expensive. This is solely for research purposes because I've been pinning so many designs from Japan in my Pinterest and having the physical copy for my keeping might be good. What I like about their designing style is the clean-minimal look with nice subtle colour combos and light use of patterns and objects.

I bought Oz Trip Magazine (593 yen) and Hanako (600 yen).


2. A New Planner
I've been using the Muji Planner 2015 the whole year. I got no strong reason to replace it except that the year will end in 2 month, so I might need a new planner after-all :D Alasan kan. So I've been searching high and low, I like what they have in the Loft Shibuya - wide ranges of planners and affordable *below 1,000 yen.

And I found a Totoro version planner at Ikebukuro, the cover is detachable so I can re-use it again. It was wayy pricier than other planners (1,800 yen) but oh well. I bought it nonetheless, not proud of myself but very happy afterwards. Still am.

It starts from Oct 2015 - Dec 2016 (15-months). Added with several pages of lined-pages, empty pages, detachable mini memo, address pages and Tokyo Railway map. Every pages with Totoro, hah hah. That's how I'm embracing my adulthood, by holding on to my childhood memories :D


3. Hankerchief

I bought one from Ghibli for 250 yen with Totoro and Susuwatari and sakura flower printed on a small handkerchief. Another one, a Wataoru Hamamonyo's thick handkerchief from Tsutsumu Factory in Shibuya for 540 yen. I'll probably keep these two and never use it because these are just too cute to be used for sweats and watery nose.


4. Badges and Lapel Pins

  • I bought 2 Gotochi Dayan : Wachifield's badges for Tokyo & Saitama - to put on our backpack. These were bought at Kichijyoji after we walked pass the park from Ghibli Museum.
  • I bought one random collectible badge from Ghibli shop for 250 yen at Ikebukuro. I opened it afterwards and realized that I got the 1986  'Castle in the Sky' version. Too bad it wasn't Totoro or Kiki.
  • There was a huge vintage wooden drawers in the Ghibli shop in Tokyo Skytree. I was bundled with joy T^T These lapel pins are too cute, too nice, with such a great detailings - I want to buy just one because it costed 500 yen, too expensive for a lapel pin you see. So there were several that I personally liked, but I choose the one with innocent-looking Totoro.


5. Stickers


For me, things that they sell in Japan can be a bit costly when you convert it to MYR depending on the current rate. Imagine 100 yen = RM 3.50 and for example a small badge is 250 yen, for them it seems like RM 2.50 - quite cheap but for us after conversion will be RM 8.90, which is super expensive. 

For example, buying things in Daiso will only costs 100 yen = RM 3.50. But in Malaysia, buying stuffs in Daiso will be RM 5.30 for each item. Buying tinned cafe latte is 150 yen while tinned latte here is RM 2.60. Magazines there is around 600 yen while in Malaysia it will be around RM 14. 

So, if you are planning on buying stuffs in Tokyo - make sure you plan ahead. I used around 10,000 yen during that time for shopping. And I didn't even bring back a lot of things except for tiny-tiny stationaries and magazines. 



  1. May I know where did I can get Muji Planner. I've been searching around but still tak jumpa

    1. Ohhhh, I got one. Last year in Dec I wanted to buy a really nice Muji planner - the big one. But it was too expensive, : RM 50. So I didn't.

      But then, 2 weeks later. It was the new year, already in 2016. I went again to Muji Avenue K, and all the planners got discount. The one I want got 50% discount ! So I bought it for RM 25.

      I'm so glad I waited :D
