November 08, 2015

Tokiyo Trip 13.2 : Ameyoko, Yanaka Ginza, & Tokyo Skytree

Day 7 : Ueno ( Tuesday ) Part 2

We went out towards Ueno Onshi Park right outside of the zoo. We saw several 7/11 across the road but decided not to cross it because it was quite far to walk pass it and return to the place we were heading to. We walked pass the park and saw Toshogu Shrine, built in 1627. There was lake full lotuses and creepy crawlies. It was beautiful but creepy - because I'm not quite fond of lake and big dark water ponds, no thank you.


We were both too hungry to do anything so we went to the first mini mart we saw to buy some onigiris. But the thing is, to eat alongside of the road might seem inappropriate and to walk back to the park will take some time. So we just decided to enter the alley : Ameyoko Street. That's when we saw a halal kebab shop ! We haven't eaten any meat for 7 days and I was craving for it, I ordered chicken kebab extra spicy (500yen) and AF ordered beef kebab (500 yen). We sat on the bench outside of the shop and enjoyed our spicy kebab to the final bite - it was really nice T^T

That's was all it for Ameyoko, the greatest spicy kebabs :


We also visited : Yanaka Ginza, an old downtown with many temples, shrines and beautiful cemetery not so far from the main Ueno station. We went for a little stroll to take a look of what there were in the little towns - because it was mentioned in the guide book as 'to-go' place. We found really old shops, stray cats, nice calm views, slow-paced environment :

All images above taken by Af


And to make our final day complete, we decided to go to the Tokyo Skytree. We had to stop at the Asakusa Station to change to the private train. We arrived at Tokyo Solamachi around 6-7ish, before sunset. It was a really long tiring day for both of us, but we really wanted to enjoy what's left for us there. We bought another cafe latte and sat beneath the tower, waiting for it to lighten up just after sunset. There were many people around as well, waiting for the tower.

Our final stop at Tokyo Solamachi was the Donguri Kyowakoku, a place that sells all Ghibli merchandizes :D We were greeted by a huge Totoro behind the mirror. I was too excited to take any photos again, I started looking and picking up random beautiful things in the shop. I bought several nice handkerchief, finger-dolls, lapel pin, and postcards. Arrgh, I was I can buy more items here. It would be really nice to splurge money of those little things that I might not really need. Ha :D

Public transport spent : 1,668 yen
Because we went to places quite far from one-another.

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