October 31, 2015

Work Related : Vectober

Hey, hey, October ended fast!

Did you promised yourself to create something everyday in October for Inktober? Well, here is my version instead of using inks, I used vector because that's what I'm creating everyday. I hardly use pen these days. I posted it up in my Behance here.


The Sailor Soldiers :


My everyday items :


Fitness, health, and random stuffs :

How was your Inktober?


  1. sooo cute! gahh my inktober was pretty failed. ended with week 2,
    then i got really busy with personal stuffs.
    i havent even post week2 to public yet. so much procrastination. haha

    everything magical

    1. I did this on-and-off while working, some of those icons were used in my designs as well that's why I got lots and lots of them :D
