October 19, 2015

Illustration : Etsy, Big Stamp and New Stuffs

New things I ordered for items on my Etsy just arrived during the week I was sick :D 
It was like early christmas presents. 

I sold over 200 items in Etsy since I first open it in 2011, almost reached 500 admirers and 23k viewers all around the world. I never thought it would get that much hits :D The famous items sold in my Etsy are : my Vintage Camera Sticker Pack and Game Boy Sticker Pack that I illustrated some time ago and also Be Strong Sticker that I originally illustrated to help my brother's friend. I got bored with those old stickers and make some new ones but they never really got as many hit as the old ones.


2 weeks ago I finally ordered custom-made big sized stamp. I thought it would be easy for me to chop-chop-chop all packages with my name on it compared to writing it one-by-one on each envelope/packaging =.= I've been doing that for years. I still personalize each package when I got the time and most of the time, it was out of rush-too-sleepy-too-exhausted-tomorrow-is-workday, so they will be as normal as usual enveloped letter. But now I got this :D


I also ordered some new printed art-prints for "Be Strong" and "Explore" illustrations. I ran when I saw the Ta-Q-Bin lorry parked in front of my apartment, knowing that it must be those stuffs that I ordered. I really love the glossy printed paper compared to previous fine linen for all my postcards T^T The 'Explore' artprint didn't came as I planned, so I'll stick to my original plan : that is to give it away for people who buy "Explore : Totebag" and Tokiyo Trip Travelogue, if I managed to finish it =.=


I am still working on completing all characters from Sailormoon series for my next Sailor Soldier Sticker Pack BUT, it might take longer than I hope it would be due to my Mac's condition. I should also consider doing fan-art stickers for : Kiki, Arriety and Chi from Studio Ghibli and also Sakura Kinamoto from Card Captor Sakura :D And to help me buy a new machine to support my never-ending learning process, do buy stuffs from my Etsy


  1. salam, do you customize planner? :)

    1. Waalaikumusalam,
      Customize planner mcmana ya? Planner's cover ?

    2. tak, awak buat planner book for sell tak? hehe tu maksud saya. sebab i like your illustration, thought that awak ada buat planner ke kan :)

    3. Oh oh, takde :D
      Takde lah buat masa ni. Kalau buat nnt takda siapa nak beli, planner boleh jual utk stahun je then expired tggu tahun baru planner baru pula.

  2. I want that sakura card captor character! :D

  3. haii!!! nak tanya dimana awak buat big stamp tu?? T.T
