September 21, 2015

Tokiyo Trip 5 : Airbnb Studio Apartment in Asaka

This was our first Airbnb experience.

We started searching for a place to stay in Tokyo since 7 months ago after I bought the tickets. I created a Tokiyo Wish List through Airbnb; where I saved all the places that I would like to stay or enjoy looking at *because their houses are all so small, clean and minimal! 

About 2 months before going to Tokyo, we booked our place. By that time, most of the places in the main cities were fully booked leaving all the super-expensive ones. So we decided to find a place outside of the city but still reachable. We found this small studio apartment in Asaka, Saitama by Mr. Yuki. We paid RM 883 for 7 days 6 nights for the whole apartment.

After we had our lunch with Ishijima san at an Indian Restaurant in Marunouchi, we headed to Ikebukuro to change our train lines to Tobu-Toju Line *a private line to much smaller cities. It was around 15 minutes semi-express train rides without too many stops in each station. Mr. Yuki provided a detailed map to our house.

The bag was super heavy for me *around 7kg for the backpack and 4kg for the sling bag. Walking for another 1/2 hour with the bag was exhausting. We missed a pathway and got lost in the maze of the small city =.= We were both getting grumpier so I just asked a pregnant lady on how to go to the park *because the house is located near the park. She happily chose to show us the way and walked until right in front of the park. Thank you, thank you !



When we first arrived, we failed to use the e-lock to unlock the door. The e-lock wasn't all that advance but we still can't get through it. We tried soooo many times, I almost felt like crying - because we didn't know how to contact Mr. Yuki and I was tired with the heavy backpack and it was getting darker :( I don't know what happened after like the 30th try, it opened and we didn't even know how that happened. Later we check the video link to see the "How-to open the e-lock" that Mr. Yuki provided 2 months back =.=

This was how the place look like :


Other than unlimited internet access, basic needs like kitchenwares and shower needs, aircond/fan and nice thick futon, he also provided 2 bicycles for our use. Those bicycles were located right next to the sliding door towards our small shared backyard. Washer and dryer were also provided at the next house near our place. It was such a cosy little place. There weren't even television or other distraction.

The toilet and tiny bathtub were located right next to the small kitchen. So everyone can listen to your orchestra in making =,= It was a bit cramped especially in the front door, kitchen and toilet area. But elsewhere was just nice.

That's the kitchen and cooking space, the door is the toilet and the photographer was standing right in front of the main door :

All images taken from their Airbnb


My dream is to create a small living space just enough for both of us and maybe a really small family :) Tokyo kind-of gave me a lot of inspiration to utilize all the space given to them, one day ! >.<

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