August 19, 2015

Work Related : Begadang Backpackers 3

It would be another 8 days before my final day at LGM and I'll be taking my short holiday for a few weeks before starting a new job. Life at work has been so busy because I am finishing off all the list of works that my boss passed to me. Everyday when I go back home at night I'll be exhausted beyond words and all I want to do is to sleep :F *or watch AF watches his videos.

I've began to wonder whether it is a sign of I'm getting older or unhealthy food intakes or lack of outdoor activities or I am just worn-off after 9 hours of busy day at work - lately. So we decided to spend weekends with outings like we used to. And eat more healthy foods and fruits *super expensive =,=  And spend 10 days at home relaxing and freelancing before our trip to Tokiyo. And I'll run everyday during my holiday. That should do. Experiment mode 101.


Other than *almost open* Hello Kitty Gourmet Cafe at Sunway that we are still working on, I'm still going to work with Begadang Backpackers  - the client finally decided to hire me as their freelance designer :D 
So I'll still be doing the designing with them even after LGM. 
Yeay for still growing up together with my baby! 


We are still working on the website. So the client asked to put elements on the website to customize everything and give more personal touch. I'm working on tabs and headers and icons. For example things like this :


To this :


So the idea is to customize everything and make it more happy and funky :


Sometimes I wish for extra hours because I keep on feeling like I need more time, to do more.
But I guess that is just an excuse. Kan? Kan? Fine. Read this.

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