August 24, 2015

Little Things 201 : Converse

Remember that I used to take pictures of my Converse with various backgrounds from my outing sessions? It was one of those moments that I went out ever so often to sweat out and see the nature and be more aware of those little things in my surrounding :p It was one of the best moment that I had because I was doing part-time job and was working for only half a day - daily, so time was flexible. Plus I dedicated every Tuesday to be out in the sun for the whole day.


Remember this ? :




Well it's been almost 4 years with my light brown All-star Converse, the shoes that I bought at Converse's Sale in SCP, Seri Kembangan. I remember that I went there after work, and I only found one shoes that I can fit into. I bought it on discount. 

And it went to places with me. I washed it often enough, it faded.
Random people recognized me through my Converse. And because I don't really have any other shoes, I keep on wearing it all the time. Up until it got holes beneath both of the shoes. I knew I was over-wearing it, so I bought dark blue Muji's slip-on as a substitute shoes. They took turns. 

My final call was last week, when I wore it and I pushed my toes up, I noticed that there's a hole on my right shoe :( I can wriggle my toe and definitely see it. I knew I need a new shoe by then.


Last Friday after work we went to Avenue K and stopped at one of the shoes boutique. And among hundreds of shoes, I choose another one Converse. This time it's in Navy classic colour - *later I noticed it's the same as my Muji Slip-on :

I was choosing between the red and navy coloured one. 
But they got no stock for the red one in my size, then the navy ones it is :)


PS : The best part is I wouldn't have to pretend to be more feminine after I got married. AF knew that I am just as simple as a person can be and he doesn't mind with the fact that I don't dress-up and be all that girly. I can still wear my converse - be it for another 4 more years. Mihmihmih. 


  1. Reen high five!!!!!! My converse is also that navy blue.i love love love this colour but it got discoloured cuz my mom thought its a good idea to leave my pair under the sun.ohh mak

    Still my fave tho. I sometimes wear them when i have to work at night or over the weekend. A bit rebellious here.haaha but hey if you're going to make me work extra hours let my feet be comfortable at least.

    1. Woohoo! I'm lovin' it.

      Aha. Thank God I work in creative field and I can wear this everyday then :p I don't even have any formal shoes nowadays.

  2. It same with the one I'm wearing now. :D It just so comfortable.

    1. But it's not so comfortable for a looooong walking trip - like I did in Tokiyo.
      I guess I need more comfy padded shoes for a long walk.
      Converse work fine for daily working and casual days tho.
