August 27, 2015

Books : Tsundoku

It means buying books and leaving them pile up in your room, maybe waiting for the right time to read it, or the right atmosphere, or the right mood, or the right reading sofa or the right everything. 

Don't you miss a long school holiday when there wasn't much to do but to read?
When there wasn't console games or smart phones or Astro. 
When we exchanged books on the last week of school.
When we spent hours sprawling on a hot bed in the afternoon.
When we wrote pages of new words that we found.


Image from here.


I bought these in less than 2 months :
Narcissus & Golmund (1930) - Herman Hesse
Siddhartha (1922) - Herman Hesse *my own copy, finally!
Pinball + Wind (1979 + 1980) - Haruki Murakami *2 books in 1
Der Steppenwolf (1927) - Herman Hesse
Meditation (1909) - Marcus Auralius 
Tokyo Guide (2015) - Hello Sandwich's Ebony

My boss gave me these as presents :
A Geek in Japan by Hector Garcia
Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Anna Karerina by Leo Tolstoy
Invisible Monster by Chuck Palahniuk

Do you know what I mean? Tsundoku. 
I bought them, wrapped them nicely and let them pile up on my desk in my room =.=
PS : Okay I've decided to bring Narcissus & Golmund to Tokiyo. I hope I'll enjoy it. 


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