July 12, 2015

Mini Escapism : Penang

We arrived at the bus stop at 3 am, somehow I miscalculated the time and we were there too early. I brought my little comforter out from my bag pack and slept at one of the chair. AF was awake the whole time I was sleeping. There were people like us sleeping on all the benches. It was outdoor, lighted, guarded and fairly safe. I am not a night owl, so I didn't pretend like I can stay awake. I was on and off the whole time.

By 6 am, I woke up, lights at the train and ferry stations were turned on and we found a decent public toilet near the area. A walk to the train station took several minutes, we needed to change our money *to some old coins to pay for the ticket that costed around RM1.40, if I'm not mistaken. We took the first ferry ride to Penang. Everything were dark except for the little building's light near the harbour, there wasn't much of fishy sea smell and grand landscape to enjoy.

When we arrived at Georgetown, it was too early for any shops to open. We wanted to find a mamak for our early morning breakfast, but got lost walking on the road because of the misleading tips given by the local. Phew. By the time we finally found one, it was almost 7.30 am. 


We headed to the place we were staying by using the map we bought before our trip. It wasn't hard to read and remember certain roads after several walks around the area. My old iPhone isn't capable of handling too much 3Gs, so I hardly use it.

We found a nice looking old building that turned into a new Mc' Donald. I ordered Mocha from the Mc' Cafe and read the map once more, that's when I learned that the old building was used to be Birch's old building. We can hardly feel excited because of the exhaustion of sleeping less than 5 hours the night before and walked for more than 3km with our heavy bag to our destination.

The map wasn't used as much as intended, we hardly explored new paths because Penang was just too hot. Honestly we spent most time eating and watching movies in the mall :p I hope we'll be back for more exploration and new adventure. Even this write-up feels like soulless writing that lack of story. But it marked our first official escapism together and this counts 


It's been ages since his last videos, here's the latest one :

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