July 09, 2015

Books : Amityville Horror Part 2

I read The Amityville Horror by Jay Anson last Ramadhan last year, the one that I bought from depository books. I particularly remember this because I don't read horror books during other months *ridiculous superstition of mine. The book is quite rare, I tried to find it in every bookstore I went to but I never found it.

Yesterday we went to Reader's Paradise in Ampang Point while waiting for iftar. I was searching for The Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket - the whole collection. In horror section between Dean Koontz and Stephen King, I found an old book of The Amityville Horror Part 2 by John Jones that was written in 1982 ! 

I was super excited because I know it is super rare to find the book especially the original copy so I decided to rent it. I passed it to the owner and she asked me whether I want to buy or rent it? "Excuse me? I thought this is for rent?" And then she said that some book owners sold their old books there so other people can buy it if they want to. "This book costs RM 5"
Of course! 
For RM 5, I bought super old rare book of The Amityville Horror part 2 ! The original first edition version :D I'm not a fan of horror books, but this is a special case :


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