June 11, 2015

Wedding Story : People

There were 3 of my friends who came on my wedding day : 
Tasy, Min and Mimi 
+ Nerdless Shazni, the doodler.

Other than ma's family members who live in Pekan and all their neighbours, I can conclude that no one else came to our wedding. There weren't any ex-schoolmates, ex-kmns, ex-uniten, previous colleagues from Secret.families, current colleagues or anyone else for that matter. Plus - hardly anyone from my dad's family came too.  

There are 2 possible reasons :
1. I am no one that people considered important enough that people would spend so much time and effort to travel all the way to Pekan just for an event.
2. I hardly go to anyone's wedding, so no one felt obliged to go too.


The thing about having a reception is so that people would know that I've got married and we were 'trying' to celebrate it with the world other people. But I just never thought that we had to spend so much in one day just to do so and learned that no one wants to come anyway.

If only my mom agreed on just having little 'kenduri' and invite only : Tasy, Min and Mimi. 
Kan senang?

PS : Only 1 of AF's friend came with his wife and little Iman.
Knowing both of us are just 2 introverted people with less friends make me feel glad that we both have each other.


  1. Congrats kak reen!
    Please consider me as a friend, haha.

    Wish me luck for my wedding this September, hehe.

    Love your baju nikahhh, soooo unique!

    1. Thanks a lot Osmhana!
      All the best for your wedding soon ❤

  2. Congrats Azreen.. all this while being the silent reader of ur blog.
    Anyway, trust me, the bigger the reception, the less you will remember who comes and who doesn't. It's lucky u have a small-knit family members.. i'm sure all your love ones is there to celebrate. :)

    Again, selamat menerima insan baru sebagai teman dan imam. semoga menjadi isteri yang solehah.

    1. Thankiu ❤ ❤
      Yeah, I know.
      I have my dear little family and friends around me and it was great enough :)

  3. Kak Azreen, again congrats. May Allah bless your wedding with so much rahmah and barakah. I'm really sorry that I can't make my way to your wedding. You're so pretty on your wedding day btw (I saw the pics)

    1. Thank Mida, ❤ ❤
      It's okay I totally understand :D

      Saw the pics as in from my sister's IG?
      Hahaa, so much of being super-latzy to post my own wedding pictures.

  4. wuwuwuwuw~~
    nak tengok gambar kawennnn..

    1. Ahaaa, nnt la post sikit2, ada tu satu kat instagram :p

  5. Belated congrats on your wedding, Azreen! *silent reader here*

    I'm a very much introverted myself and hardly go to any of my friends (more like acquaintances) weddings so I think I'm going to have a small reception like you did :) Plus boleh spend our budget untuk life after the one-day majlis :)

    Have a blissful life, Azreen! :)

    1. Thanks Nurul!

      I wish I could make the majlis really small, but my mom insisted on having it 'quite' fancy+big to my liking. But no one came except for families and org2 kampung. So yeaaah.. :p

  6. Happy super belated wedding, Azreen. It's been ages since I read you blog and now you're married. Congrats again

    1. Why thank you for reading and your wedding wish also :D
      It's been 3 months, but it's never too late *at least until the inai on my fingers finish-off :p
