April 11, 2015

Little Things 181 : Coursera - Soul Beliefs

I'm currently taking a class from Prof. Daniel M. Ogilvie, Professor of Psychology at Rutger University on Soul Beliefs : Causes and Consequences.

I'm at Module 8 now, answered 2 quizzes, reviewed several peer papers and submitted 1 assignment. I'm trying to finish this course and get the certificate of accomplishment for this one. I'm curious about the Coursera's verification method for the certificate - so I'm doing this as an experiment.


There are several things that I'm fascinated about this lecture :

1. On the earliest part, the professor started the lecture course by calling all the student upfront according to their beliefs : Protestant, Catholic, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindus, and Atheist. He then asked them to tell the crowd 'what they were told to believe when they were young?". So everyone told the crowd about what they were taught when they were small instead of what they believed in now.

What I found out roughly throughout the 1 hour session is every belief teaches human almost the same thing even for Atheism eg : be kind among all the creature in this world, do what's best for human kind, reach enlightenment or pure understanding about life. Well, generally every religion teaches us to be a good person. No religion tells us to kill or hurt one another.

2. The history of popular religions of the world and the idea of soul existence in it. I personally like the Greek philosopher's view on God and religion because those are quiet new to me compared to other religions that I'm already familiar with. I also like the idea of Buddism as a teaching rather than a religion - because even history tells us about Siddhartha as a normal human that taught principles of life.

3. Atheist's arguments. What are their argument points, their thoughts and why they stand on their beliefs just as we stand on our beliefs? Why is it okay for religious people to condemn atheist's point of view but it is a taboo for an atheist to even question anything about any religions?

4. The thought of how over 28 years of living, I've never really learn anything about other religions even though I know for real that everyone evolves around the idea of unique personal beliefs. In order to understand human, we need to learn about one another. How ignorant can we possibly be, when we condemn about people with different beliefs without understanding what they believe in?


PS : I'll update this post throughout the whole course, another 5 hours lecture, 2 quizzes and 2 assignments to go.

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