March 06, 2015

Run : There's Hope

For years I've been trying to ask my whole family to try outdoor activities : jogging, running, walking, etc. Other than my brother, none of them really enjoy sweating much so it has always been only me and him for any events. Last week my sister bought a brand new sport shoes for my mom. Ma is one of the hardest person to go out for any outdoor activity so I never thought she would agree to join us on our Sunday morning's activity. But she did.

Somehow despite her unwillingness, she managed to enjoy the activity. Well I just assumed she did enjoy it by her mood and chattiness - *she would never say it out loud :D After my 40 minutes run, we all gathered back at one point and walked towards the parking lot. That's when we saw a big group of 30+ people doing aerobic. 

I'm not sure how or why, suddenly the 4 of us joined the big group and danced together along with a loud catchy music from the speaker. Of all my time spent making sweats, this, was the happiest time I've ever felt. The short 6 minutes dance session with my family. People kept on coming and joining the session, totally unplanned. It became a huge group in short time.


I feel like the door towards so many possibilities has been opened at that moment. I feel like there is hope, the are chances even for the most stubborn person. People can change, maybe little by little, the pace varies and differs, but if I wait just another day, maybe. Just maybe.

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