March 02, 2015

Little Things 169 : New Routines

This year, I turned 28.
I noticed several things changed : my body is no longer as skinny as stick, I even have excessive fats on my thigh and tummy, things that I never have during my early 20s. I gained 4kg since I worked at TRP one year ago, probably because of my random unhealthy food intakes. Wee ~
So I added these routines since early January :-

Routines :
  • Daily morning detox water with overnight lemon 
  • Daily green tea - 1 sachet = 5 glasses
  • Weekly run - probably 1-3 times
  • No more morning instant coffee
  • Start taking pure Spirulina capsule daily and cod liver oil capsule on weekends 
  • Finding organic DIY stuffs to make - *By now I've learned making various salads, sandwiches, detox waters, mask, and body scrubs. 

Things that I noticed changed :
  • I started having these tiny rashes-like-pimples on my chest, neck and face, I read about possible detox process symptom - when the body is eliminating toxic some people will get little pimples and it is normal. But it should go on for 2-4 weeks until toxic in your body reduces along the way. I had to buy Tea Tree Blemish Gel because I'm worried about these too-many-little-pimples :( Now I look like I'm having chicken pox. 
  • I crave for random food a LOT. It is very hard to control cravings, especially when I'm not used to random hunger. So I keep on eating things that won't help much i.e : junk foods. Fruits are just too expensive and I'm constantly hungry :( I promised I'll try to restock fruits weekly.
  • The first 2 weeks I stopped drinking morning coffee, I noticed that I was unusually cranky and started having more headaches. Well thank God, it stopped now.
  • I don't feel sleepy at work, I seriously think it's because of the green tea I constantly drink during working hour. *I'm not sure tho, hmm.. 

Adding new routines, eliminating bad habits and maintaining good healthy diet are really challenging for me. By now, I managed to keep it going for the third month. I like the research and reading part so much tho, so here are some links to my personal favorite reads :
Little Green Dots | The Love Vitamin | I Drank Warm Honey Lemon Water Every Morning for a Year
and some other things I want to try this year :

  • reduce sugar intake
  • avoid processed and salty foods and also foods with MSG

Towards a healthy lifestyle ❤  


  1. I'm reading this while stuffing my face with megi +_+
    Ok ok i'l go get my green tea ready.oh by the way,do u prefer the local green tea or matcha powder?i like matcha but the thing is i dont know where to find it locally.100yen shop in my place is already closed and the closest matcha i can get is chatime.not a good idea

    1. Well I just used local green tea, it's easier to reuse the sachet several times for 1 glass of hot tea while working - just add water :p

      No, I stopped drinking Chatime since 2013, for me it's somewhat overpriced *I can buy a whole box of 30 sachets green tea for 1 Chatime drink.. Sooo, yea. And sugar, sugar. A big no-no for green tea.

  2. This post inspire me to start eating healthily n detox.try to drink lemon detox drink but stop on 3rd week because run out of lemon!sigh.need to be more determine .thanks!
