March 22, 2015

Book : Memento Bento by Alessandra Criseo

I followed Mais on Instagram and on Behance. 
I loooooove her clean-simple-stroke. 

So when I saw that she has started selling Memento Bento, I bought it right away. It is her Tokyo - Kyoto travelogue *coincidence? mihmihmih. I also bought Tokyo on Foot by Florent Chavouet several years back but never did any review on that :p I also have Craig Thompson's visual travelogue.

Price - I didn't notice it was £15(RM82) instead of $15usd, so with additional of postage fees £4.50 (RM25), the total was £19.50 (RM107). It was over my budget for such a tiny travelogue, usually I put a budget of around RM60+ for this smaller type of visual books. But because I bought it on paypal and converting isn't automatically done, I just assumed. I assumed it was in USD, my mistake. Anyhow, past is past, I received the book last week. 

I kept telling my family about it "did the expensive book arrived"?, "I bought a really expensive travelogue". Hah. Padan muka.


This is the stamped envelope :


I received a nice postcard as well :


And this is the book :

She drew things like : clothes to wear, places she went to, interesting things that they found, food and people with tiny cute stickers and images. I wish there were more doodles and stories, the book consists with 60 pages of doodles and all. I want moooore.

Anyhow, it's a wonderful book. 
I'm glad it's in my travelogue collection now.



  1. Hi, I want to order this book as well, may I know how long the delivery time? Thank you!

    1. I think it was around 3-4 weeks. Or less.
      But definitely more than 2 weeks.
      *This was from UK to Malaysia.
