March 15, 2015

App : Useful Mobile Application for Local Use

Useful mobile applications in Malaysia : 

1. Public transportation
Moovit : You can check schedule for RapidKL bus and trains, you can plan ahead, check real-time location, find best & fastest way and even live reports/updates. Apparently like Waze, the company was founded and based in Israel.
Myteksi : Find nearest, cheapest taxis around you. 
KL Train : All train stations in KL city

2. Ticketing
Movie - GSC, TGV
Airplane : AirAsiaMHmobile : I found this really-really useful. Last year before I went to Istanbul, I downloaded the app. I was supposed to go separately from Ma's group because I personally bought my own ticket instead of grouping with the National Art Museum group. So I downloaded my e-ticket and kept track of the countdown flight-time using the app. From my e-ticket, it was stated 12 hours earlier than what the person-in-charge told us. I insisted that our flight was the exact same flight as Ma's but several people refused to believe me =.=' So I just tagged along, brought my bag and check-in despite being teased for being super early. Later found out that I was right, the count-down was right. So in 1 hour, they had to go home, pack their bag and rushed to the airport. Hah.

3. Communications and bills
Well, it's monthly commitment, almost everyone pay for these stuffs, might as well they do an application so we as users can keep track of our bills, add/reduce packages, be notified and such.
Line, internet & phone : MyDigiMyMaxis 

4. Report :
Crime : Malaysia Crime - not the best, got so much space to improve. They should consider crowd-sourcing crime report based on location. 
Traffic : Most people are using Waze. *I don't like the icon and characters tho..
Location-based report : Myhero

5. Groceries :
HappyFresh : Never tried this yet, but I think this might be the future for lazy/busy people to do grocery shopping. 


Other ideas they should consider :

Travel promotion platform : For example, Matta Fair, they should really consider creating a traveling promotion application - because the market is super huge. It is like a platform for traveling agencies and people who wants to find a good traveling promotion. All year long. Call it Matta, we like it just fine. 
Social event platform : This means combing all outdoor/artsy/hipstery/music/writers events in one go. Anything from Pipit, Caffa, Art for Grabs, One FC, to Urbanscapes. Users can find out about the events, buy tickets, vendors can rent a booth, share promotions, etc.
Local shopping platform : This means combining all local online shopping websites. So users can type in what they are searching for, and all available items from Zalora, Luzola, Lazada, Mudah, Lelong, etc list their available product based on the user. And we can compare listings, choose and buy. Like using Kayak or Skyscanner but for shopping and product/item comparison. 
National report : Flood, drought, dengue cases, accidents, diseases etc.
Bills : Housing bills like electric, water, broadband, Indah Water and all those things we need to pay every month in one mobile app. So users can keep track of all the house bills, pay right away, and plan ahead what to pay based on the priority.
Insurance : As a user, I want to keep track of my payment, read about my policies, what I entitled to, how much is my saving, possible additional mini policy, and perhaps digital insurance card.


Mobile applications that I don't find useful in Malaysia :

1. Any apps based on specific events. Events are temporary, it is much easier to track any updates on social media : Facebook or Twitter status. Imagine if I'm going to MAHA and downloaded the app, and the next time they will update it is the next 2 years - because MAHA is only once every 2 years.
2. Halal foods : We are in fact in Malaysia, we are surrounded by so many halal foods around us. It is useful when we travel to other countries tho.
3. Another image/video editing applications, there are too many of those applications in market.


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