January 06, 2015

Little Things 164 : Weekend Birthday


I'm officially 28 last weekend, while my younger sister turned 23.
So we celebrated together like we always did. Saturday with ma, and Sunday with my dad & close family members. 2 days of presents, feast and love. 

A day spent with my mom & siblings on Saturday, with my yearly favorite food ie: Johnny's - *my sister complained that I keep on requesting the same thing every year :D We ate, opened some presents, and ate some more and watched the final Hobbit at the cinema. Honestly, I watched the movie several days before, so I dozed for more than half of the movie.

While on Sunday, my dad planned for a small BBQ party like the 'old days'. I remember I used to enjoy 'hari bakar2' and 'hari rebus2' while I was small because we'll have a reason to seat together merrily while we cook and eat foods. We hardly have that these days. 

Delicious chicken and lamb marinated with salt, pepper and yogurt. There was also the famous spagetthi, fruit & potato salad, and we baked some chocolate moist cakes. 

It was the time for my tokmak, aunts, uncle, and cousins to meet 'the fiance' :F 



It was a good birthday party among my family members. Too bad my brother isn't around, usually he'd be the most excited one in any big events. I'm planning to meet him soon. 
Please, please, please, make this happen. 

These are little mulberries :


I bet he'll regret for agreeing to let me post pictures of him online. 
Can't be so mysterious anymore, ah? 

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