January 16, 2015

Books : Jodi Picoult

I started reading Jodi Picoult in the year 2004, right after I finished my SPM exam. I remember wanting to step to another level, from Young Adult books to Adult's Fiction. At that age, it was a huge deal because adult's fiction was a whole new world for me. That's why I remember my very first fiction that I bought more than 10 years ago. It was at Popular's, in South City Plaza - the one that was closed several years back by now. 

I remember slowly walking at different bookshelves than before, trying to find one book that wouldn't be too hard for me. Next thing I know, I was holding "My Sister's Keeper". The next 2 weeks, I was hooked. I didn't know it was possible for all complicated things to be merged into one book. There were topics about relationship - between husband and wife, between children and parents, between siblings, between judges and society, also topic about ethics in medical choices and law. So I learned difficult medical terms and possible law cases - but all in a fiction. 
The rest is history. 

I collect almost all of her books, except for her first three*. She publishes a book every year, usually the hard cover version will be available in the middle of every year, so I'll wait for a paperback version for another 9 months or the year after it was published, when my sister give me the latest book as my birthday present. Other than that, I prefer a normal cheaper paperbacks.


Like all authors, there are good books, and there are not-so-good books. 

List of all her books :

Songs of the Humpback Whale (1992) | Harvesting the Heart (1994) | Picture Perfect (1995)*
Mercy (1996)
The Pact (1998)
Keeping Faith (1999)
Plain Truth (2000)
Salem Falls (2001)
Perfect Match (2002)
Second Glance (2003)
My Sister's Keeper (2004)
Vanishing Acts (2005)
The Tenth Circle (2006)
Nineteen Minutes (2007)
Change of Heart (2008)
Handle With Care (2009)
House Rules (2010)
Sing You Home (2011)
Lone Wolf (2012)
The Storyteller (2013)
Leaving Time (2014)


My least favorite would be :
Keeping Faith | Second Glance | Sing You Home | Lone Wolf

*My favorite are* :
My Sister's Keeper
The Pact
19 Minutes
House Rules
Handle with Care
Leaving Time


By far I think I've been the longest with her and I learned her ways of making stories throughout all the readings I've done. Although some of her fictions are predictable after awhile, most of the time I was hooked by how well can she finds ways to make readers feel connected to the story. Some were deeply moving, I cried reading some of the books like Mercy and the latest, Leaving Time. The best part is I can cry over a book and they are not sappy love stories.

She makes me feel like I can relate with so many things that I never thought of. Only some good authors managed to do that. She played with her words and feelings, and might as well be a great psychologist for understanding various types of people's feelings because she mostly uses first-person narrative in all her books. *for me, first-person narration is one of the hardest, but also the strongest way to connect the reader with the character - because you grow to know the character directly from them, how else can you learn to know a person if not by knowing them?

PS :
I just finished her latest : Leaving Time last night, good twist, Jodi.
Now let's move to other new books for 2015.



  1. hi i'm also jodi picoult fan ^^ the sister's keeper also my first adult fiction book and get hooked ever since.
