January 17, 2015

Book : Murakami San no Tokoro Website

If there is even a tiny chance for me to talk directly to one of my favorite author, Haruki Murakami, I'm going to make use of it. There's this project called : Murakami san no tokoro or (Mr. Murakami's place) started 2 days ago where people can write to him 1. asking him a question, 2. tell him something, 3. ask him his places or 4. talk about cats.  

He will accept submissions until this 31st January and will try to answer questions up the following 2 months. He will also read all emails and answer it himself. Although all in Japanese, I tried using Google Translate for the whole website to read some replies *not much can I get from direct translation, but oh well.

I wrote to him something personal, not expecting any reply - because it was not even a question, but it was something I want to tell him personally :D Never thought this chance would come. 

I received a generic reply to my email for the submission :


This feels ah-mazing 

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