December 18, 2014

Little Stories 84 : BBW2014

I lied.
I went to the Big Bad Wolf last week with him. When people asked, sometimes I said I did and sometimes I answered, "I haven't". This lie, I can't fully understand why. 

I did went there last weekend until midnight. I did walked through thousands of graphic novels, fictions, literature, travel and cookery sections. I did bought those Feb's Monocle and several cooking books, and Sudoku and one fiction.

I prayed for total anonymity. I hoped I won't meet anyone I know. I wanted to be invisible and free from little chit-chats. I felt like someone entirely different, I became one person that I wanted to be at that time if I can avoid judgements and expectation all-over. 

So in my head, the event felt half-real-half-imaginary.

Things I found at BBW2014 :

1. Cheaper Monocle Feb 2014 magazine, to study basic modern magazine's structure & grids, also interesting vectorized illustrations. Totally for work purpose. I read-aloud every article from front-to-back to avoid buying magazines for no strong reasons. Main topic on future cities and possible migration. RM10

2. Paris magazine, a very boring & outdated magazine on Paris just because I'll go there soon and need to do some reading. RM5

3. Little book on Prague.
I'm reading it front-to-back, can you feel this boom-bada-boom?
RM 3 = 19 Czech Koruna

4. A Dangerous Method by John Kerrs, RM 8
I want to read about Freud & Carl Jung in stories rather than academic writings, this is the closest that I found. Got the 2011 movie version by Micheal Fassbender, Keira Knightly and Viggo Mortensen.

5. Sudoku, RM 3
I just found out that my brain is super slow lately - that I took 1/2 hour for the first light & easy sudoku game. Remember the time when we played 10-mins tops sudoku? Shessh.

6. Cookery books, RM++
I need to enjoy the art of cooking and feasting.


As for my early Kismes present, I received the complete set of Inkheart trilogy from Ivy (but I pay her back because I pesan her to help me find it at the BBW premier day). She bought it at BBW for RM 25. I-am-super-excited! I haven't found this version for so long. The first time I fell in love with this children fantasy book was 10 years ago, I borrowed from Tasya back then. And I only got the third book as a Valentine present from my friend - the hard copy beautiful version. I L-O-V-E the hard copy version of Inkheart with illustrations and all.

I don't feel good to buy a complete set for RM25, but I'm not complaining.


PS : For RM35, I cut my hair shoulder-length short and saloon-washed it, very refreshing.
Like someone who's turning 28 soon. Teehee.
I love growing up 

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