December 07, 2014

Illustrations : Autumn Leaves & Anniversary

Old Bamboo tablet still working fine, this Macbook keep on blacking out while completing this illustration. No more time for random meaningless doodles, the heart sticks to purposes and reasons - anti-climax-party-pooper :( 


Things I learned while being a designer at TRP :
  1. You can teach yourself anything, with efforts, time, research and a will to learn.
  2. You don't know, you learn. You are not good enough, you work for it. You can't say no.
  3. Learn to prioritize and manage time by stages. No 'Malay-time' attitude. Deliver your job on time, even if it is just good enough and not great - time for improvements are ready for you, if you can deliver the work on time.
  4. Excuses are excuses. 
  5. Work only on working hour. Use your 8 hours for work, short rest, pray and energy consumption. Yes, you are a robot, use your time well, and get back home when your time is up. Don't stay around.
  6. Skills can be upgraded and improved.
  7. During your free time, do researches and practices.
  8. Find freelance jobs, send resumes and emails to companies that might need your service. 
  9. Create your online portfolio and update your linkedin.
  10. Every time you don't feel like a designer, tell yourself that you are just exploring the field for fun and passion. That way, you don't have to label yourself.

Happy first anniversary at TRP, 
and thanks for the promotion to a Senior Graphic Designer  ❤  ❤  ❤ 

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