December 21, 2014

Event : Running Events 2014 *final update*


By far, this is one post with overload pictures of me - 
I'm sorry for this narcissistic post, 
this is for my personal yearly running record and yes, 
I record things on my blog :F


1. Run for Life, UPM - 8th March 2014, 8 km

Great morning view, first run after 3 months hiatus, overload students :D 
It was rather a normal running activity. I guess after so many events, I am getting used with the hectic excitement. But to keep my list packed, I am still joining 6 crowd-running-events per year. Registered 5 of them throughout the whole year.  


2. Milo Breakfast Run 2014 - 20th April 2014, 7 km

I entered my second run this year at Milo Breakfast Run 2014 (*my 9th run in total) . 
7 km run with more than 10,000 registered runners - not including ghost-runners ie; my brother and my friend =.='. All tickets were sold out after several days of online registration activation. I excitedly invited all my siblings last month and tagged all my friends on Facebook - but they procrastinated and missed the chance. Oh well.

Inspired by H.Murukami, I started the run with slow-consistent pace. I didn't stop for 30 minutes, around 4 km by that time. Normally my pace would be slow-fast-walk-slow-fast-walk, the variety worked for me. Maintaining a consistent pace is something new for me and I took 4 km non-stop run as a new achievement. Wihu!

Too bad after around 5km, I tried to follow my brother's faster pace and almost fainted. The remaining route was much slower afterwards. I think it's because of the blood donation I did 2 days before. I was a bit tired and even felt light-headed yesterday, *a normal symptoms for someone who just donated blood :F I didn't thought it will affect me that much.  


3. NM Galaxy Roadrun Bukit Jalil - 10th August 2014, 10 km 

This time I went for my 10th run, alone. I took around 1 hour 30+ mins to complete the run, blaming my almost 2 months rest from any outdoor activities on Ramadhan and Syawal :D I asked a random runner at the event to take my picture before I went back home by train and bus. The bad stinking smell wasn't entirely my fault.

PS : Soon afterwards, I've been gaining weight back, thanks to the run.


4. Mizuno Wave Run, Putrajaya - 24th August 2014, 10 km

This was my last run with my brother this year before he continued his semester in Germany =.= Nothing special much about this run other than secretly went to the event with my old school friend and his brother and met Mr. Loh again - *but he didn't joined this time.


5. MAKNA Founder's Malaysia Run, 1st Nov, 10km

I've never joined night run and this was my first. The starting point's location was at the Water Sport Complex Putrajaya near Pullman. I remember people were sitting everywhere near the man-made lake & a small beach like hundreds of pink flamingo. A nice sunset + heavy dark cloud view from a tower that we can climb up to. I was having one of my minor headache so everything was a bit uncomfortable and less enjoyable.

I remember running in dark and silence except for the sounds of running-footsteps and soft huffs. This was one of my favorite run. A combination of night-time and Putrajaya : win.


6. Cyberjaya Twincity Marathon, 21st Dec, 12km

Other than weekly yoga, I have't been training for months. If it's not because of the early-bird registration, maybe I wouldn't even go to Cyberjaya for the run. I arrived and started late because it took almost an hour to arrive there from my new home. I walked most of the run, and finished after 1 hour 40 minutes - the slowest so far :p

It's my first 12km run, not my proudest achievement,
but still enough for my personal yearly record 


And also, I managed to complete my 2014 goal to run 150 km :


2014, thank you ❤ 

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