November 22, 2014

Little Things 157 : Connection between Experiments & Social Media Posts

For 9 years I practiced doing simple scientific experiments.
I once believed I wanted to be a nutritionist, up until the moment I failed my matriculation and was banned from entering any public universities. I decided to change my course of life to my second option : graphic + computer, but that, is a whole different story.

I was quite good in experimenting. I still believe I am.
Not only that I was a nerd who would rather spend my weekend in the library, I also make myself believe that anyone can teach themselves anything, with the right skills and efforts. So that was how I became the person I am today.

I believe everyone has huge potential. We have a brain to think, we have thoughts to judge, analyze, consider, and summarize. So everyone is equipped with a mind capable to think. I am not quite sure how curiosities vary in every human being. But from my personal thought, I believe I am a really curious person. That is why I constantly have questions and thoughts in my mind - and push myself to learn things so I'll have some reasonable answers. I am aware of the danger of curious mind, so I learn how to use it in proper way. 


As human, we always have thoughts. 
Most people these days would rather summarize things based on what they know at that moment. This means: The less you learn, the less you know and understand. So things that you might say and think would probably be wrong, or mayyybe - right. It was o-kay, until they created Social Media : where everyone shares everything they know and they thought they know. Spreading thoughts like viruses, eating people's rationale mind.


I'll remind you an important skill that all of you learned for years while growing up : Conducting an Experiment. 

1. In scientific experiment, we usually start with having a statement : in our case, thoughts, doubts, arguments, opinions, questions, etc. "Why this and this is wrong?", "Is this and this equals to this?"

2. And then we will have hypothesis or possibilities or ways to test/prove/answer the early statement in our mind. "This might be the answer to that and we might get the answer by doing some of these".

3. Next, we'll have inference or your reasons to back up those hypotheses of yours, just to make sure they are not just random statements rather, something that you've put your thought up to and consider for awhile. "Doing that and some of this is the closest to creating the answer - so that is why".

4. And then you'll start your experiment or research. 

That part is the longest part, it might take forever and you might not even conclude anything. This is what we are open to, possible answers, the core of everything. We will forever researching, learning, experimenting, observing, analyzing. The thing is, sometimes we don't know what we are doing is right, or wrong. But one thing for certain, giving some time to expand what you know and feel about something is never a waste of time. 

Not sharing everything in your head is sometimes good for you and for everyone else. 
So every time you read anything online, give moments to think everything through. Process it as long as you can. Conduct some experiments and personal researches. And avoid summarizing things based on several well-written thoughts. That way, you'll have absolute time to use your brain to think constantly.


OR if you are super latzy to use your brain on every shared posts on social media, you can try another simpler version of the process. This is one of the way to separate between people you should trust and people you shouldn't trust :
2 type of people you shouldn't trust online : 
1. People who don't know what is flossing 
2. People who never floss - ever

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