October 18, 2014

Little Things 150 : Salad

Take few leaves from lettuce, wash it clean, let it dry a bit, and cut it in small sizes. 
Boil some broccoli, avoid salt altogether. 
Open a can of tuna, my personal favorite is tuna in water - almost tasteless without salt and oil, giving strong tuna's taste and smell.


Put several chunks of tuna in a bowl, don't forget to keep the remaining in a clean tupperware. 
Add in boiled broccoli and lettuces in the bowl, add some Kewpie mayonnaise and several fried anchovies too. Mix it up with forks until they blend in nicely, add some more mayonnaise if you are not used to veggies. Finally add some cherry tomatoes in the bowl to add cheerful colours instead of all depressing green stuffs in a bowl. 

Additional of boiled egg with a pinch of pepper or grilled chicken breast can make your meal lively too. 
Happy salading 


PS : Welcoming the 30's.
On second note : Do we 'boil' broccoli? Do we actually call it 'boil' ?


  1. Boil la kot eh? Ke kukus? kukus brocolli? Haha :3

    1. "Cook broccoli by boiling, stir frying, sautéing and microwaving" - copypasted.
      Tp still pelik bunyi boiled broccoli, kan?

  2. haha betul la tu. otherwise u can steam it. happy salading!

  3. i believe you meant "celur"? then, the closest would be "blanch broccoli"

    1. ahhh correct!! hahaha agreed with this one.

    2. Anon agreeing on anon's statement.
      So cute :D
