August 21, 2014

Little Stories 79 : Peculiar Man

Every morning on my way to work, I would meet this one peculiar man.
A middle-aged man, buttoned shirt and khakis, slinging a black backpack, while holding a newspaper. I would not call him peculiar if it's not for his daily odd habit of randomly tearing up the newspaper into pieces. He would look around, tear some part and turn to the other page. 

At first I thought he was interested in certain column and wanted to keep it, but later I noticed that he just teared it up, in the middle of an article or image and left it hanging like that.

Today he brought a red marker and drew messy scratches on the teared newspaper.
I found it fascinating.




  1. please observe him more!
    make conversation with him. please please update me :D

    1. Gaah, I wish he looked friendly, but nope,
      he looked like he didn't want to communicate with people.

      Body language - hunched shoulder, no eye-contact, tearing up the newspaper?
      Haha. Takut. Maybe I'll just stalk :D

  2. yes pls update! it's interesting :3

  3. pelik, do update about him, sangat nak tahu pasai apa dia buat macam tu.
