July 09, 2014

Notebook : Moleskine 2

Summary :
Paper - Weekly page.
Colour - Mine in Magenta.
Size - A5, 13 x 21 cm.
Useful for - Weekly organizer, thoughts, to-do list.
Use it with - Artline or ballpen.
Page - 18 months pages + back pocket + address book
I like it for its - 18 months long, & the aesthetic value.


Details :
I've been using it for more than a year, mine would end this Dec 2014. Who ever thought that using 18 months long organizer is better than 12? Moleskine. 

For me, I think the length of this planner is just right. By one year, it looked more than half full, I used almost every single page of this planner. I am an organized person in my works*; I have a full-time job, several freelance jobs, and my small business. So I need to take notes for the weekly activities and update my schedule from time to time. *but my room doesn't reflect me as an organized person at all - I have this terrifying thoughts that if I'm too organized, my OCD will control my life. I read too many real-life OCD experience.

It is quite heavy for my sling bag, because I usually bring 1-2 novels when I go out. So I leave this planner most of the time. I update it weekly or twice a week. Every important things will be written in the planner, so if there are any spies out there that want to go through my life and know important appointments like in those movies you watch, they might find something useful in my planner. Maybe I am planning on capturing the world or I am one of those biggest underrated black-listed dealers, who would ever thought something like that, huh.

One thing I don't really like is the long-sized box for each day because 2 pages are used for 1 week, so I need to write in 3-4 words for one line. I love to write super-lenghty lines of words, and this just gives me limitation before I could even start writing. So I just write everything in short-form and bullet-points. Oh, and I don't like the price too. 

+I don't really understand why they included the address book. No one in our generation really use one anymore, because we can simply use Facebook and they will keep the data. What a waste. 

I love the back-pocket. Every Moleskine comes with back-pocket. So I can put my instax selfies or nice dried leaves that I found in the park or a picture of Hemsworth brothers from a magazine or love letters and postcards. 

Will I be using any other Moleskine's planner after this? Maybe. 
Or maybe I'll try daily planner in petite size.

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