July 01, 2014

Little Thing 127 : Big

In explaining and reminding myself about why I should not be too overwhelmed by all the pain, torture and wars in this world :
That’s all a shadow is—and though you might be prejudiced against the dark, you ought to remember that that’s where stars live, and the moon and raccoons and owls and fireflies and mushrooms and cats and enchantments and a rather lot of good, necessary things. Thieving, too, and conspiracies, sneaking, secrets, and desire so strong you might faint dead away with the punch of it. But your light side isn’t a perfectly pretty picture, either, I promise you. You couldn’t dream without the dark. You couldn’t rest. You couldn’t even meet a lover on a balcony by moonlight. And what would the world be worth without that? You need your dark side, because without it, you’re half gone. — Catherynne M. Valente
We can question, we can have doubts, but we need to keep holding on to our faith. 
Or maybe this is what applicable to me for the time-being.