July 26, 2014

Book : Random babbles on books

My brother bought me some books from his book voucher coupon. I listed 3, thinking he will choose one, but he bought all 3 of those books. We met after I finished work at KL Sentral and he showed me those freshly baked good stuffs in his bag. I read the first book right away on my way back home while he nodded off next to me. *should consider giving him extra duit raya*

On the list was :
The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt - 2013
A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki - 2013
The Shining by Stephen King - 1977

I am very particular about buying books from writers that I've never tried from. Sticking to authors that I love is pretty easy, because I come to know all the crooks and nooks of their styles and way of telling stories. While reading from a totally new author in my list will usually end up either : 1. I fall in love head over heels with them or 2. I can't even finish up their book and the money spent on the book will be wasted.


I learned about Donna Tartt since I saw her book : The Little Friend several years ago. The words in the book were printed really small and the book was over 500 pages. I never bought it. Small text, thick and pricy. Can't take the risk. But I've being eyeing that book since forever. So 11 years after The Little Friend was published, The Goldfinch came out. Fresh, highly recommended by readers and just won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. I just had to read her books. So this is what I'm currently reading. 900+ pages of her fiction in small text.

And while I was on my way to my little adventure with Donna Tartt's latest story, I received the book I ordered last month from bookdepository : Amityville Horror by Jay Anson - 1977, a book based on a real case. So knowing I'll take some time reading The Goldfinch, I decided to start reading the book right away. It didn't even take 2 days to finish it off. Ha. But, I'm not going to give any remarks towards the story.


While Ruth Ozeki's book actually came in randomly in the list. I loved Murakami so much that I just had to try other Japanese author and probably other Asian Literature to explore writing styles and stories more. One great thing about having a universal language *currently - English* is the unity of every single book/people in this world and the ability + chance to still recognize the difference and uniqueness of every living thing. 
Excerpt from the book :


Last one in my list, The Shining by Stephen King. I can only try horror stories in Ramadhan, thinking all bad spirits are locked up - so I can read it without feeling totally horrified. *that explained The Shining and Amityville Horror* This is very childish, I know :D Too bad I only managed to finish reading Amityville Horror.



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