June 26, 2014

Little Stories 78 : Morning Talk

I had a rough night. 
This morning I woke up feeling exhausted. It was too hot, too depressing, and I can't sleep for weeks now. I doodled almost the whole Muji's notebook cover while watching W! interview session on Youtube and my last Youtube video last night was a snippet from "La Vie en Rose" - 2007 acted by Marion Cottilard. I watched it several times by now, those beautiful quotes by Edith Piaf haunted my night.


Just when I thought I missed a seat in the train this morning, a woman stood up abruptly and ran to the train's door. She was half asleep and almost missed her stop. I took the seat, next to an old Indian woman. She smiled and greeted me. 

We talked about about the train schedule, about how time flies so fast nowadays, about work, about healthy food, about cancer, about people dying. She said how we need to start taking care of our food intakes, there are too many people dying because of cancer and we consume too much chemicals. "People should stop eating fast-growing chickens they are selling, foods with too much Ajinomoto, fruits and vegetables sprayed with tiny bits of dangerous poison." I nodded, and she kept on talking.

On our stop at KL Sentral station, she handed me a small mango from her tote bag. She said she was meeting her sister in Klang, and she picked up those 2 fresh fruits from her garden at home in Seremban. One for her sister, and another one she gave it to me.

"Taste it, it is quite small but it is really sweet.
No 'racun', It's from my own garden",

and we bid our goodbyes.


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