May 12, 2014

Random : Accumulated Little Posts

1. I found Spotify App for MacBook and downloaded it. 
It opens a door to my daily pleasant life.
Current songs I'm lovin :

  • All I want by Kodaline
  • Naked as we came by Iron & Wine
  • I do by Susie Suh


2. I paid back full my first PTPTN loan.
This leaves me with second PTPTN and another 8 years.

3. I am getting really pessimist about my view on life since I work with daily news input. It is challenging and exciting but it is also washing away my positivity. I can't even tune out or close my eyes anymore. I really hate the society these days. This is my confession, and I can't even find any reason to tolerate.   

4. I think I'm going to accept few regularities from now on.

5. Among other thing, my latest infographic just came up on the site, check it out here.
I am loving my professional work as a designer from now on. The pace is just "oh-yes-this-is-goo-od" and there's so many creative works I'm doing for Piktochart, TRP and Moneytree. At one point it is exhausting, but I just can't stop surfing in the wild waves yet.


6.  I bought The Prophet by Khalil Gibran that was first published in 1923 and just realized that Paulo Coelho used the whole idea of the book into writing Manuscript found in Accra. I just can't accept the fact that he didn't mentioned anywhere in the book that it was inspired by Khalil Gibran's work. I even noticed it only by accident when I decided to buy it and give the old classic a try.

I've read Paulo's biography, and even though I am trying hard to forget him as a selfish backstabber while living in a denial of doing nothing wrong as if achieving his dream is the only thing important in his life - I can't just accept the fact that he just did it again when we used almost the whole idea from The Prophet to write something similar and again, succeeded tremendously. He should at least credited Khalil Gibran. I lost respect towards the old man - but I'm still going to read his stories because he is a good storyteller.


7. We went to dine at Sushi Zanmai yesterday.
This was the most decent food we had, among spicy ramen, soft-shell crab, and a tempura set. I also love the fact that I can still use my iPhone 4s to take a decent picture. Still my best hide-out ; Avenue K. Huge Popular-Muji-Daiso-CottonOn, great Japanese pastries, and far less crowd than KLCC.
I still miss the hectic city vibe.



  1. Spotify best kan Azreen...We get to listen to music unaired in local stations. one song leads to another, the good music just snowballs. Plus, tak payah susah-susah nak download illegally

  2. salam kak azreen.saya berminat nak tahu tentang infographic yang kak azreen buat.boleh tak ceritakan serba sedikit tentang benda tu especially tentang softawre and specific tools.thanks :)

    oh,btw been following your post for a long time.nice job *thumbsup*

    1. Guna software Ai saja, macam biasa.
      Tiada apa special tools lain kot :)

      Thanks :D

    2. ohh I see. sebab kalau pakai photoshop agk susah nk dpt kn shape yg kemas. Nak belajar guna illustrator kat youtube :P Terima kasih kak azreen :)

      Keep up the good work :D
