May 30, 2014

Findings 04

1. Charge Card

I hate it when I left my USB cable for iPhone at home. We all know how weak smartphones batteries are. So I found out about this cool items called Charge Card. It works as a smartphone's USB cable in card size so you can put it in your wallet. Beautifully designed, simple and small. Apparently they only sell charge card for micro USB nowadays. Too bad I didn't found out about it earlier from Kickstarter. Price $25.

Good news, you can find the one for iPhone 4/4s from PhotoJojo. Posting fees is $16 :F


2. Photojojo

Oh yes, I found about this website for years back actually. Thought it might be fun to share to you.
I love stalking those new products in clearly clean interface.


7 interview questions that you can ask them back when they said "Do you have any question to ask?" to us? Often, when I went to any interviews, they will ask me this common question, I learned that asking them back is highly expected. 

I usually ask; "What is my day-to-day job would be like?", "What does the company expect from me?" and often wanted to ask "What is the company's main goal and what do they believe in?" - but dared not. So this is a compilation of questions that you can ask in an interview.


4. Photographs taken by a mother of a 5-year old, resembling inspiring women of the century.
Kudos both the mother and daughter, the results are beautiful !

5. Panda
Use the Panda as a tool for self-learned designer, you can browse Hacker News, Designer News, Dribbble, Behance and so many other useful websites at one place.

A bit over-used lately, the flat design is getting too much attention, in a good way. Thanks to the trend-setter, I got something to obsess about for the time being and make useful progress. Nice soft colours, nice combinations, I don't know why people would want to complain. Read articles in Flat Design is Getting Too Far by Oliver McGough. Just click on the colour and the colour's code will be saved automatically :


It stated there that recruiters go through you resume fast and it took around 6 seconds to catch their attention. Which is a lot to show in miniscule time, so what works is a good design. IF, you are a blooming designer, this might be a good start. If you aren't, a good design still can make a good impression. Useful things like these :


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