January 28, 2014

Books : January List

1. Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami
I read IQ84 last year, took 2 months to finish reading the thick book. I am really curious about Asian Literature so I want to know more about these writings, Norwegian Wood was listed in my birthday wish list as well. I didn't regret my choice.

I love the direct and blunt type of language Haruki used in the book. It almost felt like reading haiku; speaking in short line of words, very simple. But feelings were sprouting everywhere in the book; be it loneliness, pain, detachment, love. What makes it impressive is how simple the writings are, carrying such heavy meaning.

Usually, if something is so simple, it's hard for us to notice the beauty. That was how I felt while reading it. I thought, 'this is too simple to be beautiful'. But he nailed it.

What I like about the book is the bluntness, and the depth of feelings in such simple writing. The storyline is straight-forward but a bit depressing : it's about suicide, first love, and detachment.


2. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
I read this for several days while I was commuting. The book has large font sized text, which is not my favourite type of book, nice cover page and semi-formal language, not beautifully written, it feels like watching those chick-lit movies I stopped watching several years ago. I may not be one qualified reviewer but in my blog, I seldom take too much time sounding like the person I am not in reality, so this explains the semi-formal language as well. Yes, John Green wrote it like something that has been written in a blog.

My random thought : this is a book for pre-adult/teenage. This explains a LOT.

Storyline : Although I said I didn't quite like the book, I cried several times while I was reading it. These days, I can cry to every single thing, the hormonal imbalance makes me super sensitive over everything. It's annoying, to read in the train and try to control the tears.

The storyline is cliché, almost expected and no twist, just direct story.
I guess I won't be reading any John Green in the future.

Not to say it's not a good book, it's just not a 'great' book. I am more hard to please when it comes to books, I have my own 'standard'. And I love heavy and twisted stories. This was just too easy, it almost feels like I was wasting my time.

3. The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult
Good people are good people, religion has nothing to do with it.
Jodi Picoult is one of my favorite writer and I've read almost all her books. *17 books, to be exact. She loves to tell stories about relationship between human. Parents with children, husband with wife, between couples and friends, judge and murderer, lawyer and offender, doctor and patients, etc. It's always about relationship and conflict between that, not as simple as our lives are, but usually in ways that make me ponder and question a lot. Morally right or wrong, emotionally acceptable or not. Definitely not a chick-lit type of books.

This time, it's about the Holocaust, an ex-Nazi SS guard and one of the survivor's grand-daughter, a Jew. I love history and I love fiction, combining both is like having your favorite ice-cream topped with extra chocolate chips.

I was actually a bit disturbed, because reading books about genocide is a bit heart-wrenching, even if the book is fiction. The possibilities that it might be true, and can happen or happened. Phew. Not going to share any spoiler.

But this book is definitely a good one, highly recommended.
Thought-provoking, emotional, well-written story.


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