December 20, 2013

Event : Art for Grabs Dec 2013

It took time, sweat, awkward hellos, and little glances for this.

For two days of meeting people and selling things that we made out of love and inspiration. It was less crowdy than the previous AFG in Sept. I was silently begging for people to come, at one point, there was almost just us - people who opened booths. Or maybe I was just exaggerating :D

A bit calmer. 
But thanks for all the love and supports nonetheless. And those gifts, and random photo taking. Most of all, thanks for buying it all. Those money will be used to pay my loan and support my living for this coming 2 weeks :D

Happy things :
1. I met my old friends from school. It was a good surprise - I've been missing from my friends for years now. I turned sweaty and nervous almost instantly, asked them "How did you guys know about this? I didn't publicly promoted it :F" - that was how I greeted old friends, well done.
2. When a good-looking caucasian man bought 2 of my A3 art prints of The Sleepyheads and illustrated Little Things. He said they were nice and he'll frame it.  
3. When supportive people came to meet me and said they read my blog posts - this feels so good, every single time. 


  1. I think this entry would have been much, much better if you had included a photo of the A3 art prints (with their new good-looking Caucasian owner, of course...) hahaha! ;-)

    Congrats & well done, btw!

    1. Hahaha. I was all blushing and giggling - it was ridiculous. Now I know there's a high-school-girl in me =.='

  2. I loveee your work! it..cute! :)

  3. nak pergi tapi tak dapat pergi................. :/

  4. at last dapat pergi booth akak hari tu...
    nice to meet u ~ ^^
